Can a blue heeler be a hunting dog?

+1 vote
asked Jul 29, 2018 in Dogs by Douglio (330 points)
Can a blue heeler be a hunting dog?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 5, 2018 by Grahlu (51,270 points)
It could be possible with enough training of the dog to train the blue heeler into becoming a hunting dog but it would take a lot of training and hard work to get the Blue Heeler to be a hunting dog.

Blue Heeler dogs are mostly known as work dogs where the Blue Heeler herds cattle, sheep, horses and other livestock on farms and ranches.

A good hunting dog that works great for retrieving the birds and other game that you shot would be a Golden Retriever.
Golden Retrievers are really great hunting dogs and that's where the last name of the Golden Retrievers name "Retriever" comes from.

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