What is end of life like with glioblastoma?

+1 vote
asked Oct 27, 2023 in Diseases Conditions by nicoledsse (1,090 points)
What is end of life like with glioblastoma?

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Oct 31, 2023 by anonymous

I'm increasingly thinking that sooner or later the moment of my death will come, and this worries me, because I want to do as much as possible. I always have difficulty making decisions and often put things off until later. Now I've found free psychic chat and I have high hopes for the services of psychics that it will help me change my life for the better.

0 votes
answered Oct 31, 2023 by Vargass (7,020 points)
During the end of life and final stages of glioblastoma the person's body will start shutting down and they will most often lose the ability to move, eat or speak.

Also in the final stages of glioblastoma the person will have a decreased appetite, labored breathing, difficulty swallowing or speaking, increased fatigue, changes in behavior and withdrawal.

People who are likely to get glioblastoma are people between the ages of 65 to 74 years of age and also men have a slightly higher risk of developing glioblastoma than women.

Most of the people who get glioblastoma have no prior family history of any cancerous brain tumors.

Gliomas are almost always fatal even with treatment as they can come back.

However in some cases gliomas can be cured through surgery and some people go on to live a good life expectancy but in most cases gliomas are fatal.

The length of time you can live with a giloma is around 14 months even with treatment.

Despite modern therapies and treatments for giloma it is still a fatal condition with a very poor prognosis.

Gliomas grow as fast as 1.4 percent in just 24 hours.

The growth of gliomas happen on a microscopic level although the glioma or glioblastoma tumor can double in size within 7 weeks.

Gliomas can be treated through surgery although they can still come back.

In some cases the glioma may not be able to be removed completely although the surgeon will remove as much of the glioma as they can.

Most low-grade gliomas are both highly treatable and highly curable.

The most common kind of low-grade glioma, called a pilocytic astrocytoma, has a cure rate over 90 percent.

Glioblastoma cancer is always fatal as there's no cure for glioblastoma although treatments can help the patient live a bit longer.

The triggers of glioblastoma cancer is exposure to ionizing radiation therapy.

The exposure of ionizing radiation therapy to the head or neck is the most common risk factor of giloblastoma.

Exposure to some chemicals can also put you at risk for developing glioblastoma cancer.

Glioblastoma is a form of cancer that starts out as a growth of cells in the brain or spinal cord.

The glioblastoma cancer grows quickly and can invade and destroy healthy tissue.

Glioblastoma forms from cells called astrocytes that support nerve cells.

Glioblastoma cancer can happen at any age.

The most typical manifestation in the presence of glioblastoma cancer is a tension-type headache and is frequently the earliest sign of glioblastoma.

Headaches caused by a brain tumor are relatively different from other headaches.

These aches often worsen with time and may not react to over-the-counter pain relievers.

The cancer glioblastoma tends to occur more often in adults between the ages of 65 and 74, and men have a slightly higher risk than women.

Most people diagnosed with glioblastoma have no family history of cancerous brain tumors.

In the final stages of glioblastoma cancer, the patient's body will begin to shut down.

Patients may lose the ability to speak, eat, and move.

They may also suffer from seizures, hallucinations, or changes in breathing pattern.

The skin may take on a bluish tint, and the patient may become increasingly lethargic.

Although the average life expectancy after a diagnosis with glioblastoma is between 14 and 16 months, people with certain tumor genetics have a median survival time of 22 and 31 months.

The longest glioblastoma survivor has lived for more than 20 years after diagnosis.

The incidence of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) ranges from 0.59 to 5 per 100,000 persons, and it is on the rise in many countries.

The reason for this rise is multifactorial, and possible contributing factors include an aging population, overdiagnosis, ionizing radiation, air pollution and others.

Unfortunately, there isn't a cure for Glioblastoma.

Treatments for glioblastoma focus on removing or shrinking the tumor to reduce symptoms.

The first step is surgery to remove the tumor (craniotomy), followed by radiation and chemotherapy.

The average survival of glioblastoma patients is eight months after diagnosis; only 6.8% are alive after five years.

Most gliomas are sporadic and seem to have no clear genetic cause.

Only about 5% of gliomas are familial, afflicting two or more members of the same family.

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