What happens when you have bad spark plugs?

+1 vote
asked Jul 26, 2018 in Other-Cars/Transportation by lifxeh (350 points)
What happens when you have bad spark plugs?

What can happen to your vehicle when you have bad spark plugs?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 27, 2018 by Mechanic21 (29,150 points)
When a vehicles spark plugs are bad your vehicle may be hard to start, hesitation when accelerating or engine sputtering can also occur when you have bad spark plugs.

You may also notice increased fuel consumption or even a fuel smell coming from your charcoal canister due to fuel that wasn't fully burnt properly.

Engine misfire and loss of engine power can also occur due to bad spark plugs.

Without the proper spark your vehicles engine will not run correctly or have the power it needs to propel your vehicle down the road.

Spark plugs should be changed around every 100,000 miles to keep your engine running smoothly and you should also replace the spark plug wires during that time and even the ignition coil or ignition coils at the same time if money allows to keep your engine running great.

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