What celebrities have hemophilia?

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asked Oct 22, 2023 in Celebrities by lifeashelly (1,860 points)
What celebrities have hemophilia?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 23, 2023 by 12iroanges (41,370 points)
Some of the celebrities that have hemophillia are.
Ryan Wayne White.
Richard Burton.
Jesse Shrader.
Barry Haarde.
Alexandra Borstein.

And Roger Ailes who had it until death.

People who are most likely to get hemophilia are males and males who have family who also have hemophilia.

Hemophilia in females is very rare with less than 0.5 percent to a little more than 1 percent of females developing hemophilia.

The 3 symptoms of hemophilia are.

Bleeding of the mouth and gums as well as bleeding which is hard to stop when loosing a tooth.
Bleeding into the skin (bruising) or muscle and soft tissue that causes a build up of blood in the area which is called a hematoma.
Bleeding into your joints.

When you have hemophilia the hemophilia condition causes spontaneous bleeding and bleeding more that follows surgery or injuries.

Hemophilia is most often an inherited condition and bleeding disorder that causes the blood to not clot properly to prevent bleeding.

The most common hemophilia in the US is Hemophilia A which is 4 times more common as hemophilia B.

Hemophilia can affect all ethnic groups and races.

The parent that carries hemophilia is the mother who passes the hemophilia gene to the child.

Although it is the father's sperm which determines if the child will become a boy or girl and it is not the fault of one parent because both parents contribute to the outcome.

Hemophilia is not curable although there are medications that people can take to help stop bleeding with hemophilia.

The gender that hemophilia is most common in is males although females also get hemophilia.

The life expectancy of someone with hemophilia is around 10 years less than a person without hemophilia.

The symptoms of hemophilia are.

Nosebleeds without a known cause.
Blood in your stool or urine.
Pain, swelling or tightness in your joints.
Unusual bleeding after vaccinations.
Many large or deep bruises.
Unexplained and excessive bleeding from injuries or cuts or after dental work or surgery.
And in infants unexplained irritability.

Hemophilia is a bleeding disorder that is most often inherited in which the blood does not clot properly.

This can lead to spontaneous bleeding as well as bleeding following injuries or surgery.

Blood contains many proteins called clotting factors that can help to stop bleeding.

It involves special proteins called coagulation, or clotting factors.

You may have a higher chance of excess bleeding if one or more of these factors are missing or aren't functioning like they should.

Hemophilia is caused by the lack of clotting factor VIII or IX in the blood.

A person with hemophilia has problems when a fibrin clot is needed to stop the bleeding.

People with hemophilia do not have enough of either clotting factor 8 or 9.

Because of this, the fibrin clot is not made or is so thin that the bleeding goes on.

In many cases when there is no family history of hemophilia, the first sign of the condition is prolonged bleeding after circumcision.

Other common symptoms of hemophilia that you—or your child—might experience include: Joint bleeding. Soft tissue bleeding.

The symptoms usually begin with a tingling feeling of irritation and mild pain in the affected joint – most commonly the ankles, knees, and elbows.

Less commonly, the shoulder, wrist, and hip joints can also be affected.

If a joint bleed is not treated, it can lead to: more severe joint pain.

Separate studies have found that aging patients encounter problems typical of old age compounded by hemophilia, which can cause bleeding in joints among other problems.

Obesity is also a concern for people with hemophilia as they age – something that can worsen joint bleeds and cause mobility issues.

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