Is it okay if a 6 year old boy is not potty trained and wears diapers?

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asked Oct 19, 2023 in Grade Schooler by Krisb7465 (2,210 points)
Is it okay if a 6 year old boy is not potty trained and wears diapers?

2 Answers

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answered Feb 19 by Danieldiap (4,000 points)

It is okay if a 6 year old boy is not potty trained and wears diapers.

Some kids are potty trained by 2 years to 5 years and some kids wear diapers from 6 and above.

Diapers are not just for babies and it's much better for a 6 year old or any age of kid to wear diapers and use the diapers instead of the potty.

Diapers are more comfortable and feel great when wet or poopy and they are much better than holding it and having to run to the toilet or find a toilet.

All kids should remain in diapers no matter the age.

8 year old diaper boy outside playing in diaper and shirt8 year old diaper boy outside playing in diaper and shirt5 year old diaper boy outside playing in diaper and shirt8 year old diaper boy outside playing in diaper and shirt8 year old diaper boy outside playing in diaper and shirt8 year old diaper boy outside playing in diaper and shirt8 year old diaper boy drinking from bottle highchair diaper shirt pampers

0 votes
answered Feb 19 by Kledolock (6,300 points)
Most 6 year old boys should be potty trained if there is not health issue or disabilities.

If your 6 year old boy is not potty trained they should of course wear diapers until potty trained but a 6 year old boy should be using the toilet.

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