Can glasses correct astigmatism?

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asked Oct 18, 2023 in Eye Health by lynnc8472 (1,580 points)
Can glasses correct astigmatism?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 25, 2023 by liana (37,450 points)
Glasses can correct astigmatism and help you see and dramatically clarify your eyesight and improve vision.

Eyeglasses for astigmatism are fitted with corrective cylindrical lenses which help to properly refract light onto the retina of your eye.

The level of astigmatism that will require you to wear glasses is 1.5 or more diopters of astigmatism.

A perfectly round eye with no astigmatism has 0 diopters and most people have between 0.5 diopters and 1.5 diopters of astigmatism and don't require glasses.

If astigmatism goes untreated the untreated astigmatism can lead to complications such as lazy eye also known as amblyopia and your vision can get worse and more blurry over time.

Astigmatism is a refractive error that can affect people of all ages.

This common eye condition occurs when the eye cannot properly focus light, resulting in blurred vision.

It can be mild or severe, and it can worsen over time if left untreated.

Astigmatism is not a very serious eye condition although astigmatism causes fatigue and eye strain which impacts work and school performance and things you do in your daily life.

Astigmatism just like nearsightedness and farsightedness is a common refractive error.

You won't go blind from astigmatism although it may seem like it.

The main cause of astigmatism is thought to be through genetics as you can inherit astigmatism from your mother or father.

Although it's not known for sure what causes astigmatism and there's no prevention for astigmatism either.

With astigmatism your cornea or lens of your eye has a different shape than it normally should and this different shape makes light bend differently as it enters the eye which causes refractive error.

You can fix astigmatism naturally by doing eye exercises a few times daily.

By doing astigmatism eye exercises every day, you can improve poor vision due to astigmatism.

A good astigmatism eye exercise you can do is an eye massage.

Close your eyelids and place two fingers on each lid.
With gentle pressure move your fingers from right to left, top to bottom in a circular motion.
Move clockwise and counterclockwise 10-15 times repeating both the right to left and circular motions.

Astigmatism is genetic and is most often passed down from the mother as a genetic component.

With astigmatic eyes or astigmatism the cornea or lens of your eye is misshapen somewhat which causes light to focus unevenly on your retina.

When this happens it results in distorted or blurred vision.

Astigmatism can also be caused by your eyelids putting too much pressure on the cornea.

People with astigmatism see blurry objects such blurry words, blurry road signs and anything else that is in their field of vision.

Blurred vision is the most common symptom of astigmatism.

People with astigmatism most often also see glares or halos around lights.

To permanently cure and correct astigmatism you will need to have eye surgery which is the only way to permanently cure your astigmatism.

Although the type and degree of your astigmatism, age, corneal thickness and any other conditions of the eye are also factors in whether or not eye surgery is the best option for curing the astigmatism.

Astigmatism can cause dizziness, lightheadedness and headaches and squinting as a result of the blurriness that results from astigmatism.

Generally, eyes with 1.5 diopters of astigmatism or more require glasses or correction.

For people who have only mild astigmatism and you have at least 20/40 vision you usually do not need or require glasses.

For those with worse levels of astigmatism that more blurs your vision then you would be required to wear glasses or contact lenses when driving.

If it's really hard to see when your astigmatism then your eye doctor would likely prescribe and recommend eye glasses.

You could also opt for Lasik Eye surgery which can correct the astigmatism and then you would not be required to wear glasses or contact lenses.

Yes astigmatism can sometimes cause floaters in peoples eyes.

It's normal to get eye floaters if you do have astigmatism but if your vision really worsens more than just eye floaters then something could be going wrong and you should see an eye doctor.

The condition astigmatism usually gets worse gradually and takes at least a few years or so to see any worse results of the astigmatism.

However in rare cases the astigmatism could get worse suddenly and if that does happen you should see an eye doctor.

The good news though is that astigmatism is not an eye disease and won't cause any harm to your eyes health.

For some people with astigmatism the astigmatism can go away and come back later.

A kid I went to school with years ago had astigmatism and it went away for about 3 months and then after those 3 months the astigmatism came back.

So yes astigmatism in some people can go away and come back.

Although for the majority of people who have astigmatism the astigmatism stays with them and sometimes even gets worse overtime.

Eventually the person with astigmatism may need to wear glasses or contact lenses to see or may need eye surgery to correct their vision.

Some peoples astigmatism may actually get better overtime but it's rare that it happens that way.

The condition astigmatism tends to worsen as the person ages and there's not much known cause.

But it's likely that as you age and leave astigmatism untreated that the cornea shape changes more and more until the astigmatism worsens.

Astigmatism is caused by an irregularly-shaped cornea which some people are born with so you could have astigmatism since birth.

But even then later on in life you could develop astigmatism if your cornea shape changes.

Having eye surgery such as Lasik Eye Surgery can help cure astigmatism but not everyone is eligible for the laser eye surgery.

But most people are and if you can afford the laser eye surgery it can be worth it.

Eye exercises can also help with astigmatism in some cases but not always and wearing glasses or contact lenses prescribed by your eye doctor can help.

Astigmatism can cause dizziness, lightheadedness and headaches and squinting as a result of the blurriness that results from astigmatism.

Generally, eyes with 1.5 diopters of astigmatism or more require glasses or correction.

For people who have only mild astigmatism and you have at least 20/40 vision you usually do not need or require glasses.

For those with worse levels of astigmatism that more blurs your vision then you would be required to wear glasses or contact lenses when driving.

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