Can depression damage hypothalamus?

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asked Oct 17, 2023 in Mental Health by deejay2294 (2,020 points)
Can depression damage hypothalamus?

2 Answers

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answered Nov 1, 2023 by Chasedheat (27,110 points)
Depression can damage the hypothalamus and especially if you suffer from severe depression.

People who are affected by depression have a larger hypothalamus when compared to people with without depression.

The symptoms of a hypothalamus imbalance are.

Body temperature fluctuations.
Muscle loss and muscle weakness.
Delayed puberty.
Poor Bone Health.
Weight loss or even weight gain with or without changes in your appetite.
Dehydration or water retention.
High blood pressure or even low blood pressure.

A brain MRI does show the hypothalamus and an MRI is used in evaluating the anatomy and pathologic conditions of the hypothalamus.

The kind of doctor that checks and treats the hypothalamus is an endocrinologist who specializes in treatment and diagnoses of hormone problems.

The hypothalamus affects the thyroid by regulating the thyroid hormone which starts at the hypothalamus.

The hypothalamus is what releases thyrotropin releasing hormone into the hypothalamic hypophyseal portal system to the anterior pituitary gland.

The TRH is what stimulates thyrotropin cells in the anterior pituitary to release the thyroid stimulating hormone.

You can improve your hypothalamus function by eating foods rich in vitamin C, thiamine and vitamin B12 as well as foods rich in polyphenols.

You can reduce inflammation in the hypothalamus by eating a healthy diet, exercising and taking glucagon like peptide receptor agonists.

The hypothalamus is best fed on a plant-based diet Mediterranean diet which provides healthy fats, adequate protein, and lots of colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.

When the hypothalamus is inflamed it can result in a broad range of metabolic disorders including overeating, glucose intolerance and hypertension, while pharmacologic or genetic reduction.

The disease that affects the hypothalamus are brain tumors, cancers and cancer treatments, head injuries, brain surgery and brain swelling.

The hypothalamus controls hormones by releasing hormones and inhibiting hormones which then act on the pituitary gland to direct the functions of your thyroid gland, adrenal glands, and reproductive organs and to influence growth, fluid balance, and milk production.

The hypothalamus does affect memory and is critical for updating many kinds of associative and non associative memories.

The hypothalamus does control behavior and maintains homeostasis by controlling the autonomic, somatic and endocrine behavior.

And secondly the hypothalamus output also regulates the endocrine system, autonomic system and somatic behavior.

The hypothalamus does not control consciousness and thinking as consciousness and thinking are controlled by the cerebrum which is a part of the forebrain.

Your hypothalamus does control the body temperature, hunger and thirst, mood, sex drive, blood pressure and sleep.

The organ that the hypothalamus controls is the reproductive organs, kidneys, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, pituitary gland and the musculoskeletal system.

If the hypothalamus is damaged it can lead to dysfunctions of body temperature, growth, weight, water balance, milk production, emotions, and even sleep cycles.

Common symptoms of a damaged hypothalamus include.

Fatigue and/or insomnia.
Muscle weakness.
Frequent thirst and/or dehydration.
Unexplained weight loss or gain.
Changes in appetite or poor appetite.
High or low blood pressure.
Frequent urination.

The hormones that regulates the hypothalamus are GHRH, which stimulates GH release, and somatostatin, which inhibits GH release.

Essential oils that are good for the hypothalamus are Patchouli, Frankincense and Bay Leaf essential oils.

The hypothalamus is a structure which is deep within your brain.

The hypothalamus is the main link between your endocrine system and your nervous system.

And the hypothalamus keeps the body balanced in a stable state called homeostasis.

The hypothalamus is a small area in the center of the brain.

It helps produce hormones that regulate heart rate, body temperature, hunger, and the sleep-wake cycle.

Numerous dysfunctions may manifest as a result of hypothalamic injury, including body temperature, growth, weight, water balance, milk production, emotions, and even sleep cycles.

The hypothalamus responds to a variety of signals from the internal and external environment including body temperature, hunger, feelings of being full up after eating, blood pressure and levels of hormones in the circulation.

The hypothalamus ultimately affects the functions of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, kidneys, musculoskeletal system, and reproductive organs.

Many causes of hypothalamic dysfunction are treatable or reversible.

Most of the time, missing hormones can be replaced.

The hypothalamus plays a crucial role in many of our bodily functions which can be lost after a traumatic event such as a head injury or tumor.

Fortunately, many of these functions can be improved and restored with hormonal therapy.

The sooner you seek treatment, the higher the chances of improving hypothalamus damage.

Disorders of the hypothalamus and/or anterior pituitary can also result in hypopituitarism, including adrenal insufficiency, hypothyroidism, hypogonadism, growth hormone deficiency.

You can reset the hypothalamus by doing the following.

Increase Chromium Intake. Chromium is a trace mineral needed by the body in small amounts for healthy functioning.
Use Essential Oils.
Try Vitex (Especially If You're a Woman).
Eat Healthy Fats.
Get Enough Sleep and Reduce Stress.
Exercise Regularly.
0 votes
answered Nov 3, 2023 by jefferson (1,550 points)
Depression is linked to an overactive hypothalamus, which may deplete the neurotransmitters that regulate mood, such as serotonin and epinephrine. Some people with depression may also have an unexpected increase in volume on the left side of the hypothalamus

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