Lights flicker in house when washing machine is running

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asked May 20, 2017 in Maintenance/Repairs by Glenda (140 points)
I put some clothes in the washing machine today and turned it on. When I went to go wash dishes in the sink I noticed that my lights were flickering.

When the washing machine stopped to fill back up the lights stopped flickering.

When the washing machine started back up then the lights flickered again.

It has never done this until today?

Is my washing machine safe to use?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 20, 2017 by Mechanic21 (29,150 points)
Since it just started today you could have a loose connection somewhere.

Either in your main panel or at the receptacle itself.

I'd have it checked out by a pro just to be safe.

It's also possible that you could have that circuit overloaded today and didn't before.

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