What does white smoke from the tailpipe usually indicate?

+1 vote
asked Jul 22, 2018 in Other-Cars/Transportation by citrine (340 points)
What does white smoke from the tailpipe usually indicate?

Why would my car suddenly have white smoke coming out of the tailpipe?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 22, 2018 by Lexwall (660 points)
White smoke coming from your tailpipe is not a good sign and is usually an indicator that your engine is burning coolant.

An engine burning engine coolant is usually caused by a damaged cylinder head, cracked engine block or even a bad head gasket.

If your engine block is cracked you'll need a new engine which is costly but if it's just a damaged cylinder head or bad head gasket then it's cheaper to fix.

If your vehicle has white smoke coming from the tailpipe it needs to be checked out soon because your engine could be completely damaged and you're gonna be stranded sooner rather than later.

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