How long does it take to ship DHL from China to USA?

+1 vote
asked Jul 20, 2018 in General Travel by Chanch0 (340 points)
How long does it take to ship DHL from China to USA?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 21, 2018 by Wendell (43,370 points)
Anything that is being shipped from China to the USA through any postal service such as DHL and the USPS will be slow.

Packages coming from China to the USA will always be slow enough just coming through the USPS which usually takes a few weeks since the package has to go through customs which holds up the package.

Now once you add in DHL to the delivery and shipping then expect it to take at least a month.

DHL is the slowest shipping service even in the USA. Whenever I have packages coming from another state in the USA through DHL it takes 11 to 14 days which is way too slow.

Now if that package had been shipped directly through the USPS I would've gotten the package in just 3 days.

If you're waiting on a package through DHL you need to have very good patience as it's gonna take awhile and even longer if the package is coming from China to the USA.

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