Can you use Windex on your computer screen?

+1 vote
asked Jul 17, 2018 in Other-Electronics by Anki (460 points)
Can you use Windex on your computer screen?

Can Windex be used to safely clean a computer monitor screen?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 17, 2018 by Shelde (51,110 points)
Windex works great and is certainly safe for cleaning your computers LED computer monitor screen and Windex is also safe for cleaning LED Televisions as well.

You can also use Vinegar and Water for cleaning your LED Computer Monitor or LED Television by mixing equal parts of water and equal parts of Vinegar into a spray bottle and then use a Microfiber Cloth and spray the Vinegar and Water or Windex onto the Microfiber Cloth and then Gently Wipe the LED screen with the microfiber cloth.

Be careful not to press too hard onto the screen when wiping clean the LED monitor or Television since pressing too hard on the screen can damage the LED monitor or LED Television.

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