How do you repair ectropion after blepharoplasty?

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asked Oct 6, 2023 in Eye Health by dirtyshoes (2,160 points)
How do you repair ectropion after blepharoplasty?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 5, 2023 by Babbacock (4,940 points)
You can repair ectropion after blepharoplasty through lateral tarsal strip procedure.

Mild to moderate cases of ectropion may respond well to a medial conjunctival spindle procedure.

The tarsal ectropion occasionally requires the reinsertion of the lower lid retractors as well.

Insurance will not usually cover ectropion surgery unless the ectropion surgery is medically necessary.

The common cause of ectropion is weakening muscle tissue that is associated with natural aging.

Other causes of ectropion include previous eye surgeries, cancers, burns or other trauma.

The difference between ectropion and entropion is ectropion is where the eyelid is turned out and does not touch the eye and entropion is when the eyelid turns in and causes the eyelashes to rub against the cornea.

The cost of entropion surgery ranges from $300.00 to as much as $2,000.000.

Your location and other factors such as medications and anesthesia also go into the cost of the entropion surgery.

If deemed medically necessary then health insurance will pay for entropion surgery.

Entropion is not very common and is a pretty rare condition.

Entropion is very rare in children and young adults, but it may affect up to 2.1 percent of people over the age of 60 years.

You can test for entropion through a physical and a routine eye exam.

The eye doctor or doctor may pull on the eyelids during the eye exam and or ask you to blink or close the eyes forcefully.

Doing this helps the doctor assess the eyelid's position on the eye and it's tightness and muscle tone.

Leaving entropion untreated too long can lead to permanent damage to the eyes so you should use get the entropion treated and use some eye lubricating ointments and artificial tears to protect the eyes.

Entropion can lead to corneal stromal abrasion, scarring, corneal and corneal neovascularization and cause conjunctival and corneal damage.

Entropion can also lead to a risk of corneal ulcer and perforation that necessitates prompt management in severe cases.

You can treat entropion at home by using lubricating ointments and artificial tears.

To fully correct the entropion condition though surgery is needed but the lubricating ointments and artificial tears can help relieve symptoms of the entropion.

Entropion can be reversed through surgery which fully corrects the entropion condition.

Entropion sometimes goes away in children and they can sometimes outgrow the condition of entropion.

In adults entropion does not usually go away without surgery.

You can in some cases grow out of entropion as some kids do eventually grow out of entropion when it's mild and they are monitored for ongoing damage to the surface of their eye.

If you still have entropion as an adult then surgery is most often required to get rid of the entropion condition.

You can get entropion through burns, trauma, infection, birth defects, previous surgery and even through normal aging.

The most common cause of entropion is aging which causes the muscles and tendons that hold the eyelid taut against the eye to stretch out and turn in.

Entropion is an inversion or inward turning of the eyelid margin.

When this happens it can result in trichiasis, where the eyelashes are directed posteriorly toward the globe.

It is one of the most common eyelid malpositions.

Artificial tears and lubricating ointments can help relieve symptoms of entropion.

But usually surgery is needed to fully correct the condition.

Left untreated, entropion can cause damage to the transparent covering in the front part of your eye (cornea), eye infections and vision loss.

If tissue scarring has occurred, entropion may persist even after the other condition has been treated.

Surgery is generally required to fully correct entropion, but short-term fixes can be useful if you can't tolerate surgery or you have to delay it.

If deemed medically necessary your insurance will cover this procedure subject to deductibles, co-pays and co-insurance.

This is a condition in which the eyelid is rolled inward against the eyeball.

There are four types of entropion: congenital, involutional, acute spastic, and cicatricial.

Lower eyelids are often involutional while the upper eyelid is cicatricial.

Lower eyelid entropion is much more common than upper eyelid entropion.

The public health insurance program for people over 65 typically does not cover cosmetic surgery, but for cases in which a patient's sagging eyelids significantly hinder their vision, it does pay to have them lifted.

In most cases, people fully recover from surgical entropion repair in about two weeks.

The operation for entropion surgery is usually performed under a local anesthetic that is injected in your eyelid and given as local anaesthetic eye drops.

The entropion surgery operation usually takes 30 minutes to an hour, depending on whether the operation involves both eyes.

Ectropion caused by muscle and ligament relaxation due to aging.

Your surgeon will likely remove a small part of your lower eyelid at the outer edge.

When the lid is stitched back together, the tendons and muscles of the lid will be tightened, causing the lid to rest properly on the eye.

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