How much does it cost to change the transmission fluid?

+1 vote
asked Jul 11, 2018 in Repairs/Maintenance by vinimaclina (360 points)
How much does it cost to change the transmission fluid?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 11, 2018 by Shelde (51,110 points)
If you can change the transmission fluid, filter, and transmission pan gasket yourself then it can be as cheap as $100.00 to complete the transmission fluid change.

If you have a shop do the job it could run from $200.00 to $300.00 and sometimes you'll need a shop to perform the transmission change because it's much easier for them to do the job when they can put your car or other vehicle on a vehicle lift and drop the transmission pan and filter from above than it is to try doing the job in your driveway or other part of the ground.

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