How Do Air Conditioners Work?

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asked May 15, 2017 in Maintenance/Repairs by Hynds (140 points)
How Do air conditioners work?

How do they make cold air?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 15, 2017 by Mechanic21 (29,150 points)
Air conditioners don't really make or create cold air. Air conditioners work by removing the heat and humidity in the room or building and expelling the hot air to the outside.

Try this.

When your air conditioner is running go outside and stand near it. You'll feel hot air being blown around if it's a central air conditioner.

With a window air conditioner feel the back of the air conditioner where the fins are. You should feel hot air coming out of it.

That's the hot air that was in your house.

Air conditioners use a refrigerant and compressor which compresses the refrigerant.

Without this refrigerant your air conditioner wouldn't work.
0 votes
answered Jun 3, 2022 by Tilman (4,010 points)

Hello, an air conditioner is an indispensable household appliance, especially on hot summer days. A comfortable environment in the house largely depends on the temperature regime, which can be easily maintained using such a unit. A very important point is the installation of air conditioning in the house. This process is best entrusted to ac service professionals who have the necessary knowledge and skills in this area.

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