Is it illegal to grow water spinach in USA?

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asked Sep 27, 2023 in Gardening by vrittanty22 (2,060 points)
Is it illegal to grow water spinach in USA?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 9 by Havingsaid (13,510 points)
It is illegal to grow water spinach in the USA because it's considered an invasive species.

Water spinach is illegal in the USA or at least parts of the USA because it's considered to be an invasive species which can be harmful to waterways and native plants.

The water spinach can form dense mats which shade out native plants and compete with them and obstruct water flow.

The water spinach plant has hollow stems which float and can create stagnant water conditions which are ideal for mosquitoes to breed in as well.

Water spinach plants can grow up to 4 inches a day and is aggressive growth.

Federal regulations also regulate water spinach and the plant protection act makes it illegal to transport water spinach between states without having a permit.

Water spinach is popular vegetable in Southeast and East Asian.

It was originally introduction into North America as a potential crop species.

However, the water spinach quickly escaped cultivation and became weedy.

Water spinach is listed as a noxious weed by the USDA and in Virginia.

Water spinach seeds can be sown indoors on a windowsill or in a greenhouse all year round.

However, if you plan to grow water spinach in the garden, it is best to start the seeds at the end of February to the beginning of March.

It is vital the plant gets plenty of sun.

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