The part of a palm that are edible are the fruit, sap, leaves and heart of palm.
The fruits of a palm are also known as dates, coconuts, Acai which is a purplish fruit which resembles a grape, Saw palmetto and walking stick palm.
The saw palmetto is a fruit that contains an extract used to treat enlarged prostates and the walking stick palm is a fruit which is stringy, red and waxy.
The heart of palm is also known as heart of palm and is a vegetable which can be eaten raw.
The leaves of the Australian fan palm are edible when they are young.
The sap is also known as palm wine and the Immature inflorescences are an edible part of the palm tree.
The palm oil, palm oil seed and Betelnut is edible parts of the palm trees.
The parts of a palm tree are the leaves, trunk, roots, fruits and flowers.
The trunk of a palm tree is also called the stem and palm trunks can vary in their appearance and shape between species of palm trees.
The trunk of a palm tree can also be tapered, bulging, cylindrical, smooth, rough, spiny or knobby.
Palm trunks also have rings which are scars from old leaves.
The leaves of palm trees are also known as fronds and grow in the crown at the top of the trunk of the palm tree.
The roots of the palm tree are adventitious which means that the roots emerge from the root initiation zone of the trunk and the palm roots connect to vascular bundles in the stem.
The flowers of the palm tree grow in the leaf axils and some species of palm trees have flowers of both sexes on the same tree.
The fruits of some palm trees like oil palms can be harvested and processed for oil and the fruit of other palm trees like coconuts can be eaten and used to make milk or be used for fuel.
The base of a palm frond is called the sheath and is where it attaches to the trunk of the palm tree.
The sheath of the palm tree is the tubular structure which encloses the base of the frond and also attaches it to the palm trunk.
The Petiole is the stem of the palm frond that is between the leaf sheath and the leaflets.
And the frond of the palm is the entire leaf structure.
To identify palm leaves start by focusing on the shape of the palm leaves which can be either feather like or fan like and also consider the shape of the trunk.
Feather like palm leaves are pinnate and fan like palm leaves are palmate leaves.
Pinnate leaves have leaflets that are attached along a central stem, and resemble a feather and examples of Pinnate leaves of palm trees are date palms and coconut and queen palms.
Palmate leaves have segments that radiate from a central point like a fan.
Examples of palmate leaves are the California fan palms, Mexican fan palms and windmill palms.
And Costapalmate leaves are a hybrid type of palm leave which is a cross between pinnate and palmate, with the petiole that extends into the blade.
Examples include the cabbage palm and the Chinese palm.
The individual leaves of a palm frond are called pinnae and is when the frond is pinnate or feather shaped and if the pinnae are divided further then the segments are then called pinnules.
The entire leaf structure of a palm tree, including the stalk and leaflets are called Fronds.
A new leaf on a palm tree is called a spear leaf or spear before it expands fully and becomes a frond.
Spear or spear leaf is the term for tightly rolled and immature leafs that emerge from the center of the palm tree's crown and once it fully expands it then is called a frond which is the term for a palm leaf.
The two types of palm leaves are fan shaped palm leaves and feather shaped palm leaves.
Fan shaped palm leaves are called Palmate leaves and have leaflets which radiate from a central point and resemble a hand or a fan.
Examples of Palmate palm leaves are windmill palms and Mexican fan palms.
Feather shaped palm leaves are called Pinnate palm leaves which have leaflets that are arranged along a central stalk that is called rachis and resembles a feather.
Examples of Pinnate palm leaves are queen palms and coconut palms.
Palm fronds and palm leaves are the same thing as palm frond is the name used to refer to the larger and sometimes feathery or fanned shaped laves of a palm tree.
Frond is a more specific name that is used for leaves of palm trees, ferns and even other plants that are similar to palm trees and ferns.
The reason why they are called fronds is because the word frond comes from the Latin word frons that means leafy branch or green bough.
The term frond is used in order to distinguish the leaves of palms and ferns from leaves of flowering plants.
Leaves in flowering plants are purely concerned with photosynthesis and fern fronds and palm fronds have both reproductive functions and photosynthetic functions.
The fronds of a palm tree are the leaves of the palm tree.
Fronds on palm trees are an important part of the palm trees structure as well as appearance and are also responsible for photosynthesis.
Fronds on palm trees can be feather like, fan shaped or other shapes.
Palm tree fronds are often green but can also be silvery or bluish in color and the size of fronds can range from a few feet long to several yards long but it depends on the species of palm tree.
The two types of fronds are fertile fronds and sterile fronds.
Fertile fronds are the specialized fronds which bear sporangia which is spore producing structures and are involved in reproduction.
The sterile fronds are the typical leafy fronds that are responsible for vegetative growth and photosynthesis.
Immature fronds are called fiddleheads.
After the new fronds emerge which is often in the spring they then unroll and are called fiddleheads.
Fiddleheads are the edible young fern fronds also known as crosiers that rise from the plant every year in the spring.
If allowed to mature, the green disks or immature fronds will gradually unfurl themselves into the broadly splayed fronds of a typical fern.
Due to their short harvesting season, fresh fiddleheads are a rarity in North America and are therefore usually quite expensive and are considered a delicacy.
The fiddlehead fronds have been and still is an important food and medicine for Asians, Native Americans and many other people all throughout the world.
Some other parts of the ferns or fronds are also edible like the rhizome which are also edible and the mature fronds can also be used many different ways.
Fiddleheads are a seasonal vegetable which can be cooked and eaten.
The fiddleheads that are edible are the Ostrich Fern, Cinnamon Fern and Lady Fern.
Fiddleheads tend to taste like asparagus or broccoli, spinach or green beans.
You can cook the fiddleheads by boiling them in water and then discarding the water.