Do you have to take an antibiotic for a stye?

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asked Jul 9, 2018 in Other- Health by alisasmith (320 points)
Do you have to take an antibiotic for a stye?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 9, 2018 by Niko (18,430 points)
You can take an antibiotic for a stye if you want too as it will help fight off the infection causing the Stye.

However most times a Stye will go away within a week or two on it's own without medical treatment.

You can put a warm compress on the Stye to help get rid of it or even a warm tea bag applied to the stye can help get rid of the stye within 5 to 7 days.

If your stye hasn't gone away within two weeks then you should see a doctor for antibiotic ointment that they can prescribe that's much stronger than your over the counter antibiotic Stye ointments.

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