A FUPA looks like a bulge of excess mons pubis fat, varying in size among people and is also known as fat upper pubic area.
The FUPA or fat upper pubic area is the accumulation of fat in the area between your hips and above your pubic bone and is also known as panniculus.
The causes of FUPA include pregnancy, weight fluctuations, hormonal changes, genetics, stress and abdominal surgery like c sections.
Some fat in the upper pubic area is normal but too much fat in the pubic area can cause discomfort, self consciousness and medical concerns.
The medical concerns that FUPA cause are skin irritation, ulcers, inflammation, excessive sweating and unpleasant odors.
You can reduce FUPA through stress reduction like through meditation or yoga, surgical treatment like liposuction, dietary changes and targeted exercise.
A good targeted exercise for reducing FUPA is doing planks.
A FUPA looks like and appears as a bulge of excess mons pubis fat, varying in size among people.
A FUPA is also often confused with lower stomach fat.
However stomach fat and FUPA are different as FUPA however is not part of the ab area.
Instead, FUPA is the area specifically known as the mons pubis, which is where your pubic bone is located.
You can think of the area as also being located where your pubic hair grows, where a bikini bottom would cover.