How can I check my bone density at home?

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asked Sep 19, 2023 in Diseases Conditions by lenf670 (1,100 points)
How can I check my bone density at home?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 15, 2024 by Take8seat (29,820 points)
You cannot check your bone density at home as there are not at home tests that can check bone density.

To check bone density you will have to see a doctor to do the bone density tests.

You can increase your bone density at home and protect your bone health by increasing your vitamin D intake and calcium intake as well as taking bone support supplements and doing high impact, aerobic and or weight bearing training.

You can prevent bone loss and improve your bone density with a diet that's rich in nutrients and minerals that are key to building and maintaining bone which include calcium, vitamin D and phosphorous.

Calcium is constantly removed and replaced through a bone “remodeling” process, but it isn't made by the body.

Vitamin D cannot reverse osteoporosis as osteoporosis is not reversible once you have it although vitamin D as well as calcium can help reduce bone fractures as well as other complications.

The best position to sleep in with osteoporosis of the spine is on your back.

Sleeping on your back is a neutral position for bone health and evenly distributes your weight and also minimizes pressure on certain areas and reduces the risk of developing pressure sores.

The 5 symptoms of osteoporosis are lower back pain, stooped or curved shape of the spine, receding gums, height loss, more than 2 inches in height can be lost over time and fragility related fractures which can occur when even a mild impact causes a fracture of your wrist, hip, back or other bones in the body.

Osteoporosis is type of bone disease which develops when your bone mineral density and bone mass decreases, or when the structure and strength of your bone changes.

When this happens it can lead to a decrease in bone strength that can increase the risk of fractures (broken bones).

Things you should avoid when you have osteoporosis include.

High-impact exercises. Activities such as jumping, running or jogging can lead to fractures in weakened bones.
Bending and twisting. In people who have osteoporosis, bending forward at the waist and twisting at the waist can increase the risk for broken bones in the spine.

The most effective treatment for osteoporosis is Teriparatide.

If you have osteoporosis and are at high risk for breaking a bone, teriparatide, a type of parathyroid hormone, is a very effective, potent drug.

The drug Teriparatide works by increasing the rate of bone formation in the body.

Studies have shown it is associated with a sharp increase in bone density throughout the body.

There is no cure for osteoporosis, but treatment can help to slow or stop the loss of bone density and reduce the risk of fractures.

A doctor may recommend medications, diet changes, exercise, and steps to prevent fracturing a bone.

If you decide not to take a drug treatment for osteoporosis, it is likely that your bones will get weaker over time.

This means your chance of breaking a bone will increase.

Some people may never break any bones, while others may break several.

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