Can you feel Diastasis Recti while pregnant?

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asked Sep 11, 2023 in Pregnancy by Vargass (7,020 points)
Can you feel Diastasis Recti while pregnant?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 15, 2023 by Abewbew (2,300 points)
You can usually feel Diastasis Recti while pregnant as you will have a visible bulge called a pooch which protrudes just above or below your belly button.

You will usually also have softness or jelly like feeling around the belly button as well.

You can sometimes prevent Diastasis Recti by reducing pressure in the abdomen, exercising safely and optimizing pelvic floor health.

Diastasis Recti can get worse over time as the separation increases which results in internal abdominal organs such as the uterus and intestines which has less protection in the front to hold them in place.

Lower back pain is another complication of Diastasis Recti.

Physical therapy can help Diastasis Recti and may be needed in some cases.

If the diastasis recti was caused by pregnancy it will most often resolve on it's own within 6 weeks to 8 weeks.

Exercise can help heal Diastasis Recti as long as you avoid exercises that put pressure on your stomach such as planks or push ups and sit ups etc.

You cannot and should not plank with Diastasis Recti as it can worsen the diastasis recti.

Push Ups are bad for Diastasis Recti so you should avoid Push Ups when you have Diastasis Recti.

Crunches are bad for Diastasis Recti as it places direct pressure on the stomach which can cause the midsection to bulge and even worsen muscle separation.

You should also avoid twists and sit ups as well with diastasis recti.

Diastasis Recti does go away when you're pregnant and within 6 weeks to 8 weeks after having the baby.

If the diastasis recti occurred from something else then it may or may not go away on it's own.

Diastasis Recti can be painful because of the side effects associated with diastasis recti although the Diastasis recti itself and the ab separation does not hurt or cause pain.

Diastasis Recti does not cause breathing problems although the way you breathe can contribute to the development of diastasis recti.

Walking is good for Diastasis Recti and it can help rehabilitate the muscles of the pelvic floor and also the abdominal muscles.

The exercises that should be avoided with Diastasis Recti are sit ups and planks or any other exercises that put strain on your midline or causes your belly to bulge outward.

Diastasis Recti in males is caused by too much pressure that is put on the abdominal muscles which can cause them to stretch and separate.

The treatment for diastasis recti include lifestyle changes, such as avoiding activities that strain your abdominal muscles; physical therapy to help strengthen the weakened muscles and connective tissue; or surgery, in some cases.

Also, please note that diastasis recti can lead to more severe health conditions if left untreated.

Diastasis Recti is not a hernia although they look similar.

Instead Diastasis Recti is a bulge of muscle caused by the stretched connective tissue.

Diastasis Recti is a condition in which your belly sticks out because the space between your left and right belly muscles has widened.

The diastasis recit can also be called a “pooch.”

Diastasis Recti is very common among pregnant women.

And around two-thirds of pregnant women have it.

Newborn babies also can have the diastasis recti belly spread, and it should go away on its own.

Your risk for diastasis recti increases the more times you are pregnant.

Think of the linea alba as a rubber band that is continuously stretched.

Over time, the rubber band will lose its elasticity.

Diastasis Recti is curable.

Most people who have Diastasis Recti will see the Diastasis Recti cured on it's own within 6 weeks Postpartum.

However for other people it may take as long as 3 to 6 months for the Diastasis Recti to fully heal and cure on it's own.

Also sometimes Diastasis Recti Abdominis may persists well after the woman gives birth.

If the Diastasis Recti has not gone away within a year then you may need to have Diastasis Recti surgery to get rid of the Diastasis Recti.

However if you opt to have surgery for the Diastasis Recti just note that the Diastasis Recti surgery is costly.

The average cost of Diastasis Recti surgery is around $11,000.00 to $15,000.00

This cost for the Diastasis Recti surgery is usually not covered using most health insurance as it's usually considered a cosmetic surgery by most health insurance companies.

So you would likely need to pay for the Diastasis Recti surgery out of pocket.

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