How many pounds of laundry do you need a week for one person?

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asked Sep 10, 2023 in laundry/Cleaning by Poemsforgod (1,820 points)
How many pounds of laundry do you need a week for one person?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 10, 2024 by LesleeGile (9,680 points)
The amount of pounds of laundry you need a week for one person is between 7 lbs to 10 lbs of laundry.

Although the amount of laundry per week can vary depending on lifestyle, personal hygiene habits and climate.

The average person spends around $60.00 to $120.00 on laundry per month when using a laundromat.

A typical load of laundry is between 10 lbs to 20 lbs.

If doing laundry at home most people spend around $10.00 to $20.00 per month counting the water and electricity and detergent.

Doing laundry at home is cheaper than doing it at a laundromat.

The amount of husbands that do their own laundry is 28 percent.

28 percent of husbands do their own laundry.

And in the United States wives bear the brunt of most household responsibilities which include house cleaning, laundry, childcare, grocery shopping, meal preparation.

Men mostly do other chores like keeping the car and yard in good condition.

Many men also don't see messes like many women do.

The habits are, in part, shaped by social norms.

And when it comes to domestic work, these norms are gendered.

From a young age, girls do more household chores than boys.

Girls are being encouraged to play with toys like vacuum cleaners and dolls that encourage imitation of childcare activities.

A good guideline to when to wash certain clothing includes

Shirts and blouses wash after 1-2 wearings.

Dress pants or slacks wash after 2-3 wearings.

Jeans wash after 4-5 wearings.

Sweaters wash up to 6 wearings, if worn with an undershirt; 1-2 wearings if worn without an undershirt.

Of course you can wash these items of clothing more often if you need too or want too.

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