Why do you put Vaseline on a removed mole?

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asked Sep 8, 2023 in Body/Skin by Whatdahales (2,200 points)
Why do you put Vaseline on a removed mole?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 9, 2024 by Havingsaid (14,190 points)
The reason why you put Vaseline on a removed mole is to keep the skin moist and help speed healing and reduce scarring.

Apple cider vinegar can remove moles although it can also chemically burn the skin so you have to be careful when using apple cider vinegar on your skin.

The apple cider vinegar can also cause irritations and rashes.

Baking soda removes moles on the skin by drying out the moles and eventually they fall off.

A home remedy that you can use to get rid of moles on your skin is castor oil and baking soda.

The fastest way to remove a mole naturally is to make a paste with castor oil and baking soda which when applied to the mole dries out the mole and causes it to eventually fall off.

The cream that is best for mole removal is SkinPro's Skin Tag & Mole Removal Cream as well as Mole Elimination Cream Skin Cleansing Black Mole Ointment.

You can most often freeze moles off at home using freeze off products although it's not recommended to try and freeze off a mole at home.

Freezing off a mole at home could cause serious side effects and even lead to scarring and skin discoloration and changes in sensation.

Freezing off a mole at home uses a butane spray and there's a little liquid butane in the can which turns to gas as it is sprayed.

The coldest temperatures of the gas is around 100 degrees below zero and usually you hold the spray a few inches away from the spot or mole so it's about negative 50 degrees when it reaches the skin.

Moles do sometimes grow back after freezing especially if the mole was not frozen long enough or if some of the cells remain under your skin's surface and are not removed.

The cost to freeze off a mole at a doctor is $80.00 to $120.00.

If the doctor needs to do any biopsies of any lesions then the cost would be $200.00 for each biopsy which also includes the pathologist charges.

Mole removal through cryotherapy is a common and effective procedure for removing any unwanted moles.

However, it's crucial to consult with a doctor to determine whether mole removal is necessary and to receive appropriate care before and after the mole removal procedure.

Common reasons for getting more moles are genetics, sun exposure, hormonal changes, medications and skin conditions.

Some skin conditions like eczema can cause your immune cells in your skin to become sensitive which can cause more moles to appear.

Certain medications like hormone medications, antidepressants and antibiotics can lead to moles appearing.

Over exposure to sunlight or UV light can cause moles to appear and even genetics play role in moles appearing.

Moles are the same as nevus.

Most nevus are less than 6 mm deep although they may be less deep or a bit deeper depending on the type of a nevus.

If you cut a nevus it can lead to infection, bleeding and a permanent scar.

Cutting a nevus or mole should only be done by a doctor as cutting the nevus without sterile equipment can lead to infection and also disfigure the skin and leave a scar.

A nevus should be removed if the nevus also known as a mole changes in color, shape or size as it could possibly be a sign of skin cancer.

The reason you have a nevus is a result of the melanocytes which are the cells which produce melanin, group together in the skin.

The nevus also known as moles often appear as small, dark brown spots which are caused by the clusters of pigment forming cells that are called melanocytes.

Most people have between 10 to 45 nevus or moles which show up during childhood and during the teenage years.

A skin nevus looks like a small, smooth and round or oval growth with a distinct edge which is usually pink, tan or brown and often the size of a pencil eraser although they are sometimes smaller.

A nevus is also known as a common mole and is a small growth on your skin which usually is tan, pink or brown with a distinct edge.

Dysplastic nevus are often large and don't have an oval shape or round shape or have a distinct edge and it might have a mixture of brown shades, tan shades or pink shades.

A nevus is not serious and is often benign or non cancerous and does not require treatment.

Nevus is also known as a mole and are mostly harmless.

However a small percentage of nevus or melanocytic nevi may develop a melanoma within them.

The majority of nevus are non cancerous and not serious.

However if the nevus changes in shape, color, size or border you should see your doctor or a dermatologist.

The signs that the nevus could be cancerous include.

Redness or a new swelling beyond the border of the mole.

A change in sensation, such as itchiness, tenderness, or pain.

Change in the surface of a mole like scaliness, oozing, bleeding, or the appearance of a lump or bump.

Congenital moles will need to be monitored for skin cancer.

Some may also be removed for cosmetic or functional reasons, especially when the placement of a mole causes emotional distress for a child.

Surgical excision remains the standard treatment for removing a congenital nevus.

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