Where to look for communication with people?

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asked Sep 5, 2023 in Other Travel by Andrew_Clarkson (7,110 points)
Where to look for communication with people?

3 Answers

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answered Sep 19, 2023 by felandere (140 points)
Don't be shy about attending networking events or seminars related to your field. They can be goldmines for making professional connections. Remember, it's all about being open, friendly, and genuine in your interactions. Building relationships takes time, but it's worth the effort. Best of luck in your journey to connect with new people!
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answered Sep 21, 2023 by SquareF (640 points)

When it comes to making new acquaintances, there are a few things that have worked for me. Firstly, I'd suggest exploring local clubs or hobby groups that align with your interests. It's an excellent way to meet like-minded people. Also, don't underestimate the power of social media and online communities. Platforms like Training Asia often have forums and groups where you can connect with people who share your professional interests. Plus, you can search for events or workshops in your area, especially those related to hrdf training, as it's a fantastic way to network within your industry. Another idea is to volunteer for local events or causes you care about.

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answered Sep 22, 2023 by Carlo Tebaldo (1,020 points)
It depends on what kind of communication you are looking for. Say, if you tend to have some language practice then it is important to know what language you are studying.

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