How much is whale poop worth?

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asked Sep 3, 2023 in Fish by Allograft (4,000 points)
How much is whale poop worth?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 24, 2023 by Q766s (23,690 points)
Whale poop is worth as much as $65,000.00 for a 1.3 lb piece of whale poop.

Whale poop is also called ambergris and is hard to come across and is illegal to possess and sell in some countries including the USA.

When a whale dies the gas starts to build up in the whales body and then the whale starts to expand and floats up to the surface where it can then be scavenged by seabirds and sharks.

Eventually the dead whale will sink back to the seabed.

The reason you should not touch a dead whale is because it can infect you with bacteria and viruses that the dead whale can carry.

The reason you can't touch a dead whale is because a dead whale can carry bacteria and viruses that could infect you.

When touching a dead whale you should always wear gloves and wash your hands afterwards.

Whales in the 1700s were killed with long lances and then towed to the shore after they were exhausted from dragging the floats.

Then the whales blubber would then be removed and then boiled down into oil in large iron vats which were called try pots.

Whales were also captured using harpoons with wooden floats attached to the long ropes.

Whaling is bad because whales are an endangered species and whaling also causes suffering to thousands of animals and deprives the marine environment and the coastal communities of multiple ecological and economic benefits.

You can eat whale sperm although it's considered taboo but whale sperm does contain many nutrients and is high in protein.

Whale meat is good and most often whale meat tastes very similar to chicken or other fish.

Whale meat tastes similar to chicken or fish although some types of whale meat has an earthy taste.

Whale meat also does not have a strong odor and the flavor of the whale meat can very depending on the kind of fat content in the whale meat.

The country that kills the most whales is Norway which kills between 429 to 575 whales per year.

Whaling in Japan is not illegal although it is in most other countries but Japan as well as Iceland and Norway reject the ban on whaling.

Whale poop is illegal because there is no way to differentiate whale poop being taken from the shore versus whale poop that was taken from the body of a dead whale.

Whales are an endangered species and they are protected by law.

Whale vomit is so expensive because it's in great demand and is scarce and also the fact that whale vomit has been banned to collect in most locations due to the need to hunt endangered sperm whales.

You can find whale vomit which is called ambergris washed up on the shore or floating in the ocean.

Ambergris is also called floating gold due to it's high value in the market.

Whale vomit is worth around $10,000.00 per lb or $27.00 per gram due to the rarity of the whale vomit.

Whale vomit does smell pretty good once the mass of the whale vomit dries out although when the whale vomit first comes out of the whale it smells pretty bad and smells of strong fecal matter.

It is illegal to sell whale vomit in most countries including in the USA.

Whale vomit which is also known as Ambergris is illegal in India due to the Wildlife Protection Act of 1972 as sperm whales are a protected species under the schedule 2 of the Wildlife Protection Act.

The possession or trade of any of the whales products which include Ambergris and the byproducts is illegal.

The countries that still hunt whales is Japan, Norway and Iceland which hunt over a thousand whales which are killed each year for the meat and body parts to be sold.

The whales blubber, cartilage and oil are also sold and used in health supplements and pharmaceuticals.

Whale vomit is illegal due to conservation concerns although whale vomit from whales is not harmful to the whales it's illegal to harvest and sell the whale vomit.

Whale vomit which is also called Ambergris is a type of whale regurgitation which floats out on the ocean to mature and does not require any contact with the whale.

Whale vomit is used for incense, cigars to improve the odor, in cold medicines, headache medicines and some perfumes.

In most countries whaling is illegal although in Japan, Norway and Iceland Whaling is still legal and still done.

Over 1,000 whales are killed each year still for their meat and body parts to be sold for commercial gain.

The whale oil and blubber as well as cartilage are used in health supplements and pharmaceuticals.

Whale oil was so valuable because it was a high quality lubricant that was thin, didn't corrode metals, and also remained liquid when in freezing temperatures.

The qualities of whale oil made the whale oil an ideal choice of oil for use in watches, marine chronometers, military instruments and machines and in rifles.

You cannot still buy whale oil today as the sale and use of whale oil has ceased as most countries banned whaling.

Whale oil was obtained from the whale by boiling strips of the whales blubber that was harvested from the whale.

Whale oil is still used today but mostly by NASA to lubricate spacecraft which include the Hubble space telescope and the Voyager space probe.

Whale oil was traditionally and first used for making paint, explosives, varnish, jute, textiles, soap, lubrication and for lighting such as for lamp oil.

Whale oil was used for these things mostly from the 16th to the 19th century.

In modern times whale oil was hardened and then used for margarine.

Whale oil is oil obtained from the blubber of whales.

The oil from the bowhead whale was sometimes known as train-oil, which comes from the Dutch word traan.

Sperm oil, a special kind of oil obtained from the head cavities of sperm whales, differs chemically from ordinary whale oil: it is composed mostly of liquid wax.

Marine mammal oils have potentially beneficial effects on several diseases and symptoms, such as general and specific pain reducing effects, reducing symptoms in food hypersensitivity, reducing the reactivity of blood cells and the activation of coagulation.

In the 21st century, with most countries having banned whaling, the sale and use of whale oil has practically ceased.

Whale oil was obtained by boiling strips of blubber harvested from whales.

The oil from a right whale would operate an average American car for 8 years.

Whaling for energy was only profitable when whaling vessels used wind, which is free.

A right whale's body has about 4,200 gallons of whale oil after the whale is killed, processed, and the oil is refined.

Back in the day, NASA used whale oil as a lubricant in their space program, including the ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) for expeditions to the Moon and Mars.

Fast forward to the future and whale oil is still being used to lubricate spacecraft such as the Hubble space telescope and the Voyager space probe.

Inside the trenches, British soldiers covered their feet in whale oil to protect them from trench foot and they warmed themselves around whale oil stoves.

Above the trenches, British pilots smeared whale grease on their faces to protect them from the cold.

Case oil also contained Spermaceti, a solid, white, crystalline wax that congeals on contact with air.

Spermaceti was named from the Latin sperma, sperm, and cetus, whale, in the mis-belief that it was the coagulated semen of the whale.

Spermaceti is created in the spermaceti organ inside the whale's head.

This organ may contain as much as 1,900 liters (500 US gal) of spermaceti.

It has been extracted by whalers since the 17th century for human use in cosmetics, textiles, and candles.

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