Which animal can survive longer than a camel without water?

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asked Sep 2, 2023 in Other- Pets by Douglasharlo (1,020 points)
Which animal can survive longer than a camel without water?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 10, 2024 by geausapops (4,340 points)
The animal that can survive longer than a camel without water is a Giraffe.

A giraffe can surprisingly last and survive longer than a camel without drinking water and can go up to 3 weeks without a drink of water.

Giraffes eat acacia leaves which contain a lot of water, so giraffes can go a long time without drinking.

When they do get thirsty, giraffes have to bend a long way down to drink from a lake or stream.

Camels can only survive up to 15 days without water before they die and one of the reasons the camel can survive up to 15 days without water is the humps.

Camel humps store rich fat, which allows the camel to go long periods of time without eating or drinking because their body converts the stored fat into needed energy.

A camel can store up to 80 pounds of fat in one hump, and the size of the hump changes depending on how much food the camel eats.

A camel's hump does not hold water at all but only stores fat.

The camel uses the fat as nourishment when food is scarce.

If a camel uses the fat inside the hump, the hump will become limp and droop down.

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