A car can be parked on a residential street in California for up to 72 hours.
California Vehicle Code 22651(k) states that there is a maximum 72 hour parking lot on any city street including residential streets.
Any car or vehicle that is parked on a city street or residential street in California can be reported to the police and even towed after 72 hours have passed.
The vehicle owner will be liable for any fines and towing and storage fees.
So you must move your vehicle before 72 hours to avoid any fines, towing etc.
If you have a driveway you should park the car in the driveway if it's gonna be their longer than 72 hours to avoid towing.
If someone parks their vehicle on a city street near or in front of your house and it has been 72 hours it can be reported to get it moved.
Or if someone is blocking your driveway you can report it to the police non emergency number and they will have it moved as well.
It is generally legal to park in front of another person's house provided the vehicle does not block a driveway.
As stated in California Vehicle Code 22651, no vehicle can be parked continuously at one location on any public roadway for more than 72 hours.