Is it okay for an 8 year old boy to wear diapers full time?

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asked Sep 2, 2023 in Kids Health by saggydiaprboy (320 points)
Is it okay for an 8 year old boy to wear diapers full time?

2 Answers

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answered Sep 2, 2023 by paratom (9,090 points)
Hell I babysat a boy how was 11 yrs old at the time, he was a bedwetter and sometimes day accidents. He was diapered punished for 2 months, no potty at all, 24/7 diapers. He was a trip and a half but in a awesome way. Never let it bothered him so I know I can handle a 8 yr old diapered boy full time.

[email protected]
0 votes
answered Sep 2, 2023 by Danieldiap (4,470 points)

It is okay for an 8 year old boy to wear diapers full time.

I would babysit an 8 year old boy who still wears diapers full time.

I would babysit any kid of any age who wears diapers full time or any time and I would be glad to change their diaper as well.

If I babysit a kid they will be in diapers at my house and not allowed to use the toilet.

Here's some cute diaper boys that I wish I could babysit.

Diaper Boy Diaper Shirt Kid wearing diaperWet Tommy Diaper Boy PampersDiaper Kid Game Play diapers plastic backed diaper older kid

8 year old diaper boy Tommy Diapers

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