Can you rotate Tylenol and Motrin?

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asked Aug 30, 2023 in Other- Health by Atiktokn196 (1,180 points)
Can you rotate Tylenol and Motrin?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 7, 2023 by Q766s (23,690 points)
You can rotate Tylenol and Motrin as long as you don't take or give too much of a dose and wait so that you space the Tylenol and Motrin at least 3 hours apart.

For example you can give Tylenol, 3 hours later give Motrin, 3 hours later give Tylenol again, and so on.

The reason you should not alternate Tylenol and Motrin as it increases the risk of overdose or extra dosages.

The risk of overdose and extra doses are significantly higher when you alternate between Tylenol and Motrin or other medications.

Tylenol is safer than ibuprofen and ibuprofen should be used with caution by people with kidney problems, clotting disorders, high blood pressure, heart disease or in the elderly.

Ibuprofen is better for a fever than Tylenol although Tylenol also works well for fevers but Ibuprofen helps to bring down fevers better and faster than Tylenol.

After taking ibuprofen for a fever the ibuprofen will keep a fever down for as long as 6 hours to 8 hours.

The ibuprofen will begin working to bring down the fever within 30 minutes of taking it.

What makes ibuprofen work faster is taking ibuprofen on an empty stomach which gives you faster symptom relief when taking ibuprofen.

Taking ibuprofen more than 4 times a day or longer than 30 days at a time is too often.

Dosing of ibuprofen is okay from 400 mg to 800 mg up to 4 times a day with a maximum daily dosage of 3200 mg per day.

If you take ibuprofen too often it can lead to stomach irritation and other health issues such as increased risk of heart disease, chronic kidney disease and decreased kidney output and even rebound headaches.

The reason you can only take ibuprofen every 6 hours is because it prevents you from developing ulcers and overdosing and because you can also get stomach irritation when taking the ibuprofen too often.

Also if you take ibuprofen sooner than every 6 hours then you will not get any real additional benefits from the additional ibuprofen.

When taking ibuprofen you should wait at least 6 hours between doses if you take ibuprofen 3 times a day and if you take ibuprofen 4 times a day you should wait at least 4 hours between ibuprofen doses.

Once you take ibuprofen the ibuprofen will last in your system for around 4 hours to 6 hours.

An 800 mg dose of ibuprofen will last for around 8 hours in your system.

Medicines you should not take with ibuprofen are steroid medicines such as betamethasone, dexamethasone, hydrocortisone or prednisolone, medicines for high blood pressure, anti-inflammatory painkillers such as aspirin, diclofenac, mefenamic acid or naproxen and medicines such as warfarin and other medicines that help prevent blood clots.

When taking acetaminophen with ibuprofen you should take one first and then four to six hours later take the other.

It is OK to take ibuprofen and Tylenol together as long as you don't take too much of a dose.

Ibuprofen takes between 20 minutes to 30 minutes to work for a fever in both children and adults.

After taking ibuprofen the fever should start to go down within 20 to 30 minutes and you should begin to feel better.

Ibuprofen takes around 20 to 30 minutes to work for a fever in a child.

After taking the ibuprofen your child's fever should start to go down within 20 to 30 minutes and they should begin to feel a bit better.

For both kids and adults you do have to wait at least 4 hours between Tylenol and ibuprofen to prevent a potential overdose.

Ibuprofen is every 6 hours for kids although ibuprofen can be given every 8 hours to kids.

You can also give ibuprofen every 4 hours to kids as long as you don't give the kid more than 4 doses of ibuprofen in 24 hours.

You can give your child ibuprofen every 6 hours as the recommended dose of ibuprofen in children is every 6 hours to 8 hours.

Just don't give more than 4 doses of ibuprofen to your child in 24 hours.

To alternate Tylenol and ibuprofen for kids administer one of the medications either Tylenol or ibuprofen at 10 a.m., 2 p.m., and 6 p.m., and the other medication at 12 p.m., 4 p.m., and 8 p.m.

You can give ibuprofen as far as 3 to 4 hours apart for a child.

Never give more than 4 doses of ibuprofen to your child in 24 hours.

You can give children's Motrin every 4 hours although you should not give more than 4 doses of children's Motrin in a 24 hour period.

The recommended dosage for children's Motrin is every 6 hours to every 8 hours.

You can alternate Tylenol and Motrin for a child every 3 hours to every 4 hours.

The recommended dosage intervals of Tylenol and Motrin are every 6 hours to 8 hours.

You can give children's Tylenol and ibuprofen together as long as you don't give too much of it or give it too often.

A child can take ibuprofen as far apart as every 4 hours although it's recommended to give the child ibuprofen every 6 hours to 8 hours.

Never give the child more than 4 doses of ibuprofen in 24 hours.

If you give a child too much ibuprofen it can make the child very sick and could lead to an overdose as well as possible kidney problems, confusion and stomach problems.

A dosage of 400 mg of ibuprofen a child can experience serious and even life threatening side effects.

The symptoms of an ibuprofen overdose can occur within 4 hours of taking too much ibuprofen.

You can give your child ibuprofen and Tylenol every 4 hours but don't give the child Tylenol and ibuprofen more than 4 times in 24 hours.

You can alternate Tylenol and ibuprofen every 3 hours for toddlers but not every 2 hours.

You should not give your child ibuprofen every 2 hours as that can overdose the child.

You can however give your child ibuprofen every 4 to 6 hours.

Never give your child more than 4 doses of ibuprofen in 24 hours as it can cause an overdose of ibuprofen in children.

You can give your child ibuprofen every 4 hours for a fever and if you give the ibuprofen 4 times in 24 hours you should do so by leaving at least 4 hours between the doses of ibuprofen.

You should let your child's fever run it's course as long as it does not get too high.

The fever is the body's way of killing off viruses and fighting off viruses and infections so a fever can be a good thing unless it gets very high and doesn't go back down.

A fever starts at a temperature of 100.4 F or above and a temperature of 100.4 F to 102.2 F is a low grade fever and a temperature of 102.2 F or higher is considered a high grade fever.

You should take your child to the ER for a fever if the fever is 102 F or higher and does not go down.

If the child has a fever and it's not going down or they have a higher than normal fever or the child has any abdominal pain, difficulty breathing or swallowing or they are unable to keep any fluids down then they should go to the ER.

If the child is younger than 3 months of age and they have a fever of 100.4 or higher then you should take the child to the hospital.

Most fevers go away on their own without any medical treatment unless the fever gets too high.

The fever is meant to kill viruses in the child's body so a fever can be a good thing unless it does not go down like it should or when it should or when the fever gets too high.

Some ways to reduce a fever in a child include.

Give plenty of liquids to avoid dehydration.
Give acetaminophen or ibuprofen based on the doctor's recommendations.
Never use rubbing alcohol or cold baths to bring the fever down.
Dress your child in lightweight clothing and cover with a light sheet or blanket.

You can also give ibuprofen to your child if they have a high temperature (fever) and they feel distressed or unwell.

For children aged 3 months to 12 years, ibuprofen comes as a liquid (oral suspension) or as chewable capsules.

If your child is age 6 months or older, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others) is OK, too.

Read the label carefully for proper dosage. Don't give aspirin to an infant or toddler.

Call the doctor if the fever doesn't respond to the medication or lasts longer than one day.

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