What are the different types of skating?

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asked Jun 29, 2018 in Other- Sports by janegonzalez (120 points)

Skating is the perfect family sport.

1 Answer

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answered Jun 29, 2018 by ThrillAppeal (140 points)

a. Speed skating

A popular form of skating that involves participants to utilise a specific type of skates that allows for greater movement capability.

b. Recreational skating

Most common type of skating and is done by those who are looking to stay fit by skating. Good quality skates in this category provide a lot of support to the ankle and foot.

c. Outdoor skating

Outdoor skating is catching up, and the technology is at the right place to design the perfect roller skates as well. The only difference is that users will have a smooth wheel instead of a hard one to ensure that the wheels absorb all forms of shock from the unsmooth terrain. To learn more visit Thrill Appeal website.

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