How do you fix a toilet that keeps running?

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asked Jun 28, 2018 in Do it yourself by Coady (260 points)
How do you fix a toilet that keeps running?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 28, 2018 by Niko (18,430 points)
To fix a toilet that has suddenly started running and not shutting off check and make sure the flapper inside the toilet is sealing properly.

After some time the flapper begins to dry out and harden which prevents it from sealing properly and allows water to slowly seep past the flapper and into the toilet bowl which then allows the toilet to continue to run trying to fill the tank back up.

Replace that flapper if it's old. They're cheap to replace and easy to replace as well.

If that doesn't fix it then your float fill valve may need adjusted or is bad.

If it just needs adjusted then you'll have to look up instructions online on how to adjust the certain type of toilet fill valve you have.

But if it's a Fluid master fill valve you just press the clip down on the metal rod and float and adjust it up or downwards until the toilet stops running.

Some may have a screw on top as well.

It's also possible that some sand got into your toilet fill valve which can keep it running and you can usually remove the top of the fill valve and clean it out unless you just want to replace it with a new one.

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