How long do facial injury last?

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asked Aug 28, 2023 in Other- Health by Whoknows7834 (2,900 points)
How long do facial injury last?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 7, 2023 by Q766s (23,690 points)
A facial injury can last for a few weeks to as long as a year or so depending on the severeness of the facial injuries.

Face degloving can be caused by construction accidents, car accidents, motorcycle accidents, falls from heights, animal bites, sports accidents, or other machinery accidents.

Flying out of a vehicle or off a motorcycle and sliding your face against pavement can cause face degloving.

The grades of degloving injuries are grade 1 (purely degloving injury); Grade 2 (degloving injury with the involvement of deep soft tissues) and grade 3 (degloving injury with long-bone fractures).

Degloving can take 6 months or longer to heal depending on what part of the body was degloved and how bad the degloving is.

Less severe degloving can take around 6 months or less to heal and more severe degloving can take 6 months or longer to heal.

The long term effects of degloving injuries are nerve damage, permanent scarring, infection and severe tissue damage.

And in extreme cases of degloving injuries where a limb is involved a limb amputation may be needed.

A face can be degloved although facial degloving are rare injuries.

And there are no pre established protocols for treatment of facial degloving.

Facial degloving can happen in car accidents, motorcycle accidents etc.

The reason it's called a degloving injury is the injury peels off the skin like you would remove and peel off a glove.

The degloving injury is a type of injury avulsion where an extensive section of the skin is completely torn off from the underlying tissue, severing it's blood supply.

The antibiotics that are used for degloving injuries are systemic antibiotics such as cefazolin.

The antibiotics help to minimize the development of infections which could potentially be life threatening.

A closed degloving injury is called a Morel-Lavellee lesion which is a closed degloving soft tissue injury that results in abrupt separation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue from the underlying fascia.

An example of degloving is when part of your skin gets torn off your face due to a motorcycle accident where your face rubs the road.

Or if you're in a car accident and the metal of the car tears the skin off your face or leg or other body part.

A closed degloving injury happens when a gap opens up between layers of flesh without peeling open.

You can think of this type of degloving injury as a bubble between layers of soft tissue.

This bubble may fill with blood, fat, or lymphatic fluid.

Common locations for closed degloving injuries include the hip and knee.

Degloving injuries are traumatic injuries which results in the top layers of skin and tissue being torn away from the underlying muscle, connective tissue or bone.

Degloving injuries most commonly affect the legs and are frequently associated with underlying fractures.

The healing process for a degloving injury can take up to 6 months or longer.

It is very important to seek medical attention as soon as possible and take special care of the injury to ensure proper healing.

Depending on the severity of the wound, your doctor may recommend physical therapy and/or nutritional supplements.

Degloving injuries are high-power injuries in which the skin is torn off from the underlying tissue, severing its blood supply.

Road traffic accidents cause most degloving injuries.

Industrial and agricultural accidents are other causes of degloving injuries, which mostly involve the upper and lower limbs.

The clinical entity of degloving injury means that the skin has been lost, but the musculoskeletal unit is intact, and hence, the movements of the part have been preserved.

However, during the process of reconstruction of the skin, scarring and stiffness reduce these movements.

For closed degloving injuries that are less serious, treatment of degloving injures may involve a combination of compression bandages and physical therapy.

For more serious cases of degloving, fluid might need to be drained from the lesion and dead tissue may need to be removed.

Many closed degloving injuries involve a force that separates the top layer of skin and tissue from deeper tissues, leaving a space under the skin.

These spaces are known as Morel-Lavallée lesions.

The lesions can fill with lymph fluid, blood, and fat.

Morel-Lavallée lesion is a closed degloving soft tissue injury, as a result of abrupt separation of skin and subcutaneous tissue from the underlying fascia.

This condition was first described by French physician Maurice Morel-Lavallée in the year 1853.

For finger injuries, the first and best surgical option is always a replantation and revascularization procedure.

Often, when the degloved skin is totally removed from the patient's body, it can be put back by replantation.

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