How can you control your vehicle in windy conditions?

+1 vote
asked Jun 27, 2018 in Safety by Tuckeryaker (330 points)
How can you control your vehicle in windy conditions?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 29, 2018 by Christeen (70,120 points)
When driving in windy conditions you should make sure your headlights are on, maintain a safe distance from other vehicles and drive below the speed limit.

Keep both hands on the steering wheel and keep a watch out for any flying objects that could be flying towards your vehicle in the air and if there's any semis with trailers around you try to keep away from them since it's possible that the wind can blow a semi trailer over on top of your vehicle so stay as far away from those semi trailers as possible.

Drive as slow as you safely can in the windy conditions so you'll have more control over your vehicle since a sudden gust of wind could flip your vehicle.

The wind will also push your vehicle forward faster if the wind is blowing in the correct direction to do so.

If possible just pull off somewhere until the wind is no longer blowing.

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