What is the most common height for a horse?

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asked Aug 23, 2023 in Horses by Jukedobber (1,400 points)
What is the most common height for a horse?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 7, 2023 by Corycarson (9,480 points)
The most common height for a horse is 5 feet 2 inches tall.

The height of a horse is measured by measuring from the top of the withers to the ground.

The small draft breeds of horses are the Gypsy Vanner, Black Forest Horse and the Norwegian Fjord Horse.

The smallest of the draft breed is the Haflinger draft hose that is only 13 to 15 hands tall.

However they are powerful enough to be able to pull heavy loads.

The most gentle draft hose is the Belgian draft horse that is known for having a friendly temperament and being easy to handle.

The different types of draft horse breeds are the Ardennais, Friesian horse, Shire horse, Belgian Horse, Belgian Draught Horse, Percheron horse and the Clydesdale horse.

In North America there were five draft horse breeds on the classic list: Belgian, Clydesdale, Percheron, Shire, and Suffolk.

The most obedient horse breed is the Tennessee Walking Horse (TWH) which is the top choice of many trail riders, and this is because of its dependable, calm, and docile nature.

These horses are known to be friendly and obedient; they will follow your lead and will be happy doing so.

Some of the easiest horses to care for are.

American Quarter Horse.
American Paint Horse.
Morgan Horse.
Tennessee Walking Horse.
Icelandic Horse.

The most difficult horse breeds include.

The Arabian.
The Shire.
The Faroese.
Australian Brumbies.
The Thoroughbred.

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