The colors that bass see are red and green as the cellular composition of the bass' eyes are tuned to respond to the red and green colors.
Bass can see the red and green colors really well and can make decisions with high selectivity that is based on these 2 colors.
The best time of day to fish for bass is at dawn and at dusk.
Bass wake up early in the morning and come closer to the surface of the water and bass also tend to stay out later in the evening.
The best month for bass fishing is late March and through early April.
During late March and early April the egg laden bass will emerge from the deep waters and move to the shallow water to spawn.
Bass do eat live worms so you can most often easily catch a bass with live worms as bait as the bass and most other fish will eat worms no matter how big or small the worm is.
Worms can also be used to catch trout, crappie, bluegill fish, perch and most other fish species.
The reason big bass are so hard to catch is their mouth gets bigger than the size of the lure which means the large bass has the ability to hold a lure without the hooks penetrating their skin inside their mouth so they can release the lure without being caught.
A 5 pound bass is a big bass although any bass larger than 5 pounds is always considered a big bass.
The white specks in bass meat are yellow grub or white grub also known as a larval flatworm with a life cycle that is similar to parasites that cause black spot disease.
The parasite in the bass meat appears as white or sometimes yellow spots in the flesh of the bass meat and is often 1/4 inch long.
It's harmless to humans and can be removed most often during the cleaning of the bass meat.
The yellow parasite in bass is known as yellow grub which is a yellow worm like larval stage that is encountered in the flesh immediately below the skin when you filet the fish.
The lifespan of a bass is 16 years although some bass may live a bit longer or shorter.
The immature largemouth bass tend to congregate in schools of fish although adult largemouth bass are mostly solitary.
Bass do have worms which is a tapeworm which matures and grows in bass.
Segments of the tapeworm and the eggs are passed from the bass fish to the body of water.
The reason smallmouth bass are a problem is because smallmouth bass have begun to encroach on the waters of cold water streams which used to serve as a refuge for native fish such as the fallfish and brook trout with the sole goal of destroying the refuge.
The reason it's taboo to eat smallmouth bass is because the smallmouth bass is considered to be sportfish which makes the idea of eating them unthinkable to some people.
Also smallmouth bass can carry harmful parasites that can cause you to become sick even after eating a small amount of the smallmouth bass.
The best size bass to eat are bass between 8 inches to 15 inches in size.
Smallmouth bass are also tastier and have a cleaner taste than largemouth bass.
The difference between a bass and a largemouth bass is the bass has a small rectangular rough patch in the center of the tongue and a largemouth bass has almost an entirely smooth tongue.
A 7 lb largemouth bass is between 6 years old to as old as 16 years old.
A 10 lb largemouth bass is around 9 years and 7 months to 10 years of age which equals a growth weight of a 1lb of weight a year.
A 10 pound or larger largemouth bass is very rare and it takes the right conditions to grow a 10 lb largemouth bass.
Most 10 pound or larger giant largemouth bass are found mostly in the South where they have a longer feeding season and an abundance of forage.
The largemouth bass is known for being the green fish which provides an action packed fight and can also grow to healthy sizes and especially in Florida.
Largemouth bass are also the most intelligent freshwater fish and are able to distinguish and avoid specific lures after only one encounter.
The reason it's controversial to eat largemouth bass is because largemouth bass are considered game fish and should not be harvested.
In some waters, taking bass for the pan, especially large fish, is discouraged from preserving the fish populations for conservation and angling.
Another name for largemouth bass is widemouth bass.
Largemouth bass are also known by other names which include bigmouth bass, bucketmouth, black bass, largie, Potter's fish, Florida bass, Florida Largemouth, green bass, green trout, Gilsdorf bass, Oswego bass and southern largemouth and northern largemouth.
The biggest largemouth bass ever caught was a largemouth bass that weighed 22 lbs and 4 ounces which was caught in 1932 at Montgomery Lake in Georgia.
A largemouth bass likes to bite on their favorite food which include smaller fish such as trout, shiners, crayfish, sunfish and minnows.
Largemouth bass also like to eat frogs, worms and other insects as well.
Smallmouth bass are better to eat than largemouth bass as smallmouth bass are more delicate and sweeter and taste better.
The smallmouth bass as a firm texture, white meat and also a cleaner taste than largemouth bass.
A smallmouth bass and largemouth bass can breed together although they rarely do but they are capable of breeding.
When a smallmouth bass and a largemouth bass breed together the offspring of the smallmouth bass and largemouth bass are called meanmouth bass.
Largemouth bass do sleep and they sleep most of the day as the largemouth bass moves into the heaviest cover that they can find which is usually near deep water where they sleep through much of the day.
Once summer comes the largemouth bass shuts down almost completely in the day when most fisherman are on the water.
The main predator of largemouth bass are humans.
Other predators of largemouth bass are yellow perch, northern pike, walleye and muskellunge.
Animals that eat largemouth bass in a pond are turtles, alligators and snakes and sometimes gators although most gators prefer to eat carp or gar.
The LMBv or Largemouth bass virus is a disease that kills largemouth bass and also affects several other species of fish.
A largemouth bass is pretty smart and has very good visual perception and the ability to detect things and to also make judgments.
Largemouth bass are also intelligent enough to know that a lure is not edible.
A largemouth bass can get as big as 30 inches in length and weight up to 20 lbs.
A largemouth bass that weighs at least 8lbs or more is considered to be a trophy fish in most states.
Largemouth bass live at depths of 5 to 15 meters although largemouth bass most often stay in shallow water during the warmer weather at a depth of 0.3 meters to 4 meters but they go deeper during winter.
The best bait for largemouth bass is crawfish, shad, minnows and shiners.
Largemouth bass does not taste bad although largemouth bass do not taste as good as other white fleshed fish such as snapper fish, grouper fish, halibut fish or flounder.
A largemouth bass is a pretty good tasting fish in my opinion although some people don't like the taste.
Largemouth bass are good in ponds as they make great predator fish and can chase and keep away frogs, snails, crustaceans and even birds and rodents including muskrats away.
Largemouth bass are game fish and are well sought out freshwater gamefish in the United States.
Fisherman and anglers can usually find largemouth bass in waters in a short distance from where they live and they can catch the bass which regularly reahch trophy sizes of 7 lbs to 15 lbs.
The largemouth bass is a carnivorous freshwater ray-finned fish in the Centrarchidae family, native to the eastern and central United States, southeastern Canada and northern Mexico