What is the difference between a whirlpool tub and a Jacuzzi?

+1 vote
asked Jun 23, 2018 in Other-Home/Garden by BellaYew (300 points)
What is the difference between a whirlpool tub and a Jacuzzi?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 24, 2018 by Lilly21 (57,780 points)
Whirlpools refer to any circular motion that the water makes in the tub or spa so a Jacuzzi can be a Whirlpool as long as it provides the Whirlpool circular action.

Most if not all Spas and Hot Tubs provide you with the Whirlpool action.

Jacuzzi is the company that makes most Spas and Hot Tubs.
0 votes
answered Mar 2, 2020 by RobertPolson (3,960 points)

Is your house so big? I envy you)) I have no place for a jacuzzi. I prefer to take a regular hot bath with the addition of CBD oil - https://purekana.com/products/almond-coconut-cbd-bath-bomb/ It is a bit like a spa treatment with an overall result. This gives good relaxation to all the muscles of the body.

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