Mucus in your urine means that you most likely have a urinary tract infection or other health issue with your kidneys or an infection or STD.
However a small amount of mucus in urine is normal and nothing to worry about.
In many cases, if your mucus in your urine is caused by an infection, your doctor will prescribe an antibiotic to heal and prevent further infection as a result of bacteria.
In the case of mucus in the urine caused by STDs, treatment may require a more specialized medicine.
The best time of the day to collect urine sample is the first thing in the morning when you wake up.
You should collect your urine sample during the first pee of the day because that is when the bacteria and chemicals in your urine are at their highest.
A contaminated urine sample is a urine sample that has gotten bacteria in it from the skin or genital areas and not from the urinary tract.
Contaminated urine samples are also known in the lab as mixed growth bacteria.
You can get a urine sample bottle from a pharmacy as pharmacies do sell urine sample bottles.
Your doctor should also give you a urine sample bottle or container when you go in for a urine test.
The container that you can use for a urine sample is a clean and sterile plastic urine container which your doctor will give you to put your urine into.
The urine container should never be reused and should be sealed to prevent substances from leaking into the urine specimen.
You need a clean catch urine sample so that any bacteria or germs, debris etc does not interfere with the urine analysis.
If the urine sample is not clean caught then the urine test can show false results.
Early morning urine is The best sample to be tested as early morning urine contains higher levels of chemical and bacteria which gives the urine test a more accurate result.
The best time to collect a urine sample is first thing in the morning when you wake up.
When you wake up and need to pee in the morning that is the best time to collect the urine sample because the chemicals and levels of bacteria will be higher.
Before collecting a urine sample always wash your hands as well.
If a urinalysis is positive it can mean there's inflammation in your urinary tract or in your kidneys or you may have kidney disease or another infection.
The most common cause of a urinalysis testing positive is a bacterial urinary tract infection which is white blood cells in urine.
The normal result of a urinalysis is Color – Yellow (light/pale to dark/deep amber) Clarity/turbidity – Clear or cloudy. pH – 4.5-8.
For a random urine sample, normal values are 0 to 14 mg/dL.
For a 24-hour urine collection, the normal value is less than 80 mg per 24 hours.
The 4 types of tests that are done on urine are.
Urine pH level test.
Protein urine test.
Glucose urine test.
Red blood cell urine test.
The 3 components of a urinalysis are microscopical, chemical and physical.
The four major reasons a urinalysis may be done include.
To diagnose urinary tract infections.
Check for blood in the urine.
To detect issues such as kidney disease, diabetes, and to monitor you when you are being treated for those conditions.
And a urinalysis is done as part of a routine medical exam to check for and screen you for any early signs of infections and diseases.
A urinalysis can detect some types of STD such as gonorrhea and chlamydia and the urinalysis can give clues to the presence of some sexually transmitted infections and diseases.
A urinalysis or urine test can show kidney problems and having a urine test can show and detect kidney failure or kidney disease as well.
Urine tests can also detect and show problems such as bladder infections, kidney stones and diabetes.
You can know if your kidneys are failing by looking out for the symptoms of failing kidneys.
When your kidneys are failing there will be signs and symptoms that can let you know and warn you of failing kidneys.
The early warning signs of kidney failure are.
Decreased urine output, although occasionally urine output remains normal.
Fluid retention, causing swelling in your legs, ankles or feet.
Shortness of breath.
Irregular heartbeat.
Kidney disease can be detected in urine through urine tests as well as blood tests.
Kidney disease means your kidneys are damaged and can't filter blood the way they should.
You are at greater risk for kidney disease if you have diabetes or high blood pressure.
If you experience kidney failure, treatments include kidney transplant or dialysis.
The 3 early warning signs of kidney disease include.
1: Dizziness and Fatigue. One of the first possible signs of weakening kidneys is the experience of overall weakness in yourself and your overall health.
2: Swelling (Edema)
3:Changes in urination.
Other signs of Kidney Disease include.
You're more tired, have less energy or are having trouble concentrating.
You're having trouble sleeping.
You have dry and itchy skin.
You feel the need to urinate more often.
You see blood in your urine.
Your urine is foamy.
You're experiencing persistent puffiness around your eyes.
Changes in your fingernail color can also be an indicator of kidney disease.
Renal Failure fingernails will usually be more white in color or Jaundice color or normal to reddish brown color.
When people have kidney disease, nitrogen waste products build up in our bodies.