I have a pimple on my penis shaft?

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asked Apr 10, 2017 in Mens Health by Aaronb (140 points)

I have A reddish lump on my penis shaft that appeared rather quickly, and it doesn't hurt to touch it. It looks like A pimple, I know it's not a std, but I still don't know what to do. Should I pop it or wait for it to go away?

1 Answer

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answered Apr 12, 2017 by Carter3 (12,290 points)
It's probably nothing to be worried about. If it's the same type of pimple I'm thinking of it usually appears after too much masturbation.

If you've been masturbating then I'd recommend slowing down on it for awhile or at least try to not masturbate for a week. I know how hard that is especially at your age.

I wouldn't pop it and just wait for it to go away. It will eventually.

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