How many times should you poop a day?

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asked Aug 1, 2023 in Other- Health by Alicealias (640 points)
How many times should you poop a day?

1 Answer

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answered Aug 5, 2023 by Q766s (22,770 points)
The amount of times you should poop a day depends on your diet and your body as well.

Most people need to poop once or twice a day and some people go a day or even 3 to 4 days without pooping which is normal.

Poop floats due to poor absorption of nutrients or too much gas.

If your poop is floating and not sinking it could indicate you're experiencing malabsorption and should see a doctor if your poop continues to float.

It's better health wise for your poop to sink instead of float.

Although sometimes eating a diet high in fat can cause your poop to also contain some fats which can lead to your poop floating.

However if your poop continues to float and does not sink then you may have a health issue that should be checked by a doctor.

If your poop only floats once in awhile but sinks the rest of the time then there's usually nothing to worry about.

Normally when you're healthy your poop should actually sink to the bottom of the toilet after you poop because the contents of your poop are denser than water.

Floating poop that is also greasy and are foul smelling may be due to severe malabsorption, particularly if you are losing weight when you have the greasy, foul smelly floating poop.

Another cause of floating poop is gastrointestinal infections which is not as severe as the malabsorption and even sometimes a change in your diet can cause your poop to float.

If your poop is just floating due to a change in diet and when you poop later and it sinks then usually nothing is wrong with you.

If your poop continues to float then you should speak with your doctor about the cause as it could be something severe that needs fixed.

Sometimes floating poop is okay and sometimes it's not as it depends on why the poop is floating.

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