How do you convince an older person to wear diapers?

+1 vote
asked Jul 29, 2023 in Incontinence by Bootldir (1,270 points)
How do you convince an older person to wear diapers?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 29, 2023 by paratom (9,090 points)
If you meaning that you a older kid living with you, you have the right to put him back in diapers, he's under ur roof. He needs to respect ur rules.

[email protected]
0 votes
answered Jul 30, 2023 by Divinelite (6,960 points)
To convince an older person to wear diapers you can start by explaining to the older person that you understand that the incontinence and bladder control condition is common in older people and the elderly and that it doesn't have to be an embarrassing or limiting development.

Remove the word “diaper” from your vocabulary, at least initially, as this word will immediately create resistance.

Instead, use words like “briefs” or “underpants”.

Explain to the older person that needs diapers that wearing disposable diapers or briefs will not only protect their clothing, but it will also provide protection against the humiliation of wetting or soiling their clothing in public.

Talk about the odor problem and explain to them that it would be much less embarrassing to have a diaper or brief on than it would be to have wet or soiled clothes.

Wet pants or soiled pants would be much more embarrassing out in public or around others than having a diaper on.

Also when the person wears a diaper and poops or has diarrhea the diaper will help block some of the odor as well.

Diapers can be necessary for adults with various conditions, such as incontinence, mobility impairment, severe diarrhea or dementia.

About 42.3% of the elderly population uses diapers or pads.

Elderly nursing home residents with urinary incontinence concerns will generally need a diaper change six to eight times a day, though this may be more or less depending on how often they urinate.

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