Can a child go to school if they are not potty trained?

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asked Jul 28, 2023 in Grade Schooler by Diaperwetboy (410 points)
Can a child go to school if they are not potty trained?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 28, 2023 by MattLeighton (9,130 points)
A child cannot go to school if they are not potty trained unless they are disabled or have other health issues that make it impossible for the child to not potty trained.

If the child has no health issues and is healthy and able to toilet train then the child must be potty trained and out of diapers before they can attend school.

If a child is not potty trained by kindergarten then the child will not be able to attend kindergarten.

However if the child does have medical problems and they are at least trying to potty train then they would be allowed in Kindergarten.

But if the child has no medical problems and is not trying to potty train then the child will not be able to be enrolled in or attend Kindergarten.

Kindergarten teachers do not change diapers and it can be embarrassing for a child to wear diapers to school.

If your child is nearing Kindergarten age and they are not potty trained then you need to push the issue and get the child potty trained and out of diapers.

Or you will have to home school the child if they are still wearing diapers and are not potty trained.

Kindergarten children normally do have wetting accidents which is okay and teachers deal with that but they must be able to use the toilet on their own.

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