Can you change an older kids diaper in a park?

+1 vote
asked Jul 28, 2023 in Grade Schooler by Diaperwetboy (410 points)
Can you change an older kids diaper in a park?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 28, 2023 by diapermouse1 (8,370 points)
You can change an older kids diaper in a park.

If the older kid needs a diaper change then it should be changed whenever and wherever they are and the park is a good place to change the diaper.

You can lay the older kid down on a blanket or towel and then change the diaper there or change the older kids diaper in a bathroom.

Yesterday I was at our local park and I saw a 7 year old boy running around the park wearing a diaper under his shorts.

He was wearing just the shorts, diaper and his shoes and I could see the waistband of the diaper.

The diaper was a Gentle Steps size 7 diaper as I could tell by the look of it when his mom took his shorts off and the fact that she brought the pack of diapers out of the car and laid the pack of Gentle Steps size 7 diapers down on a towel.

Then she had the 7 year old boy lay down on the towel and removed his shorts and then removed the wet diaper.

She then wiped him down with baby wipes and then placed the new diaper on him and pulled his shorts back up.

I was hoping she would leave his shorts off but she didn't.

I was also in my diaper sitting on the park bench and watching the boy get a diaper change and wishing it were me in that position.

The boy didn't seem to have any health issues and seemed to be enjoying his diaper and diaper change as well.

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