Any other 8 year old boys parents make them wear diapers for wetting their pants?

+2 votes
asked Jul 25, 2023 in Incontinence by Dainyboy8 (180 points)
Any other 8 year old boys parents make them wear diapers for wetting their pants?

I'm an 8 year old boy and my mom makes me wear Pampers Baby Dry size 7 disposable diapers because I can't hold pee?

My mom also makes me suck on a pacifier and drink milk from a bottle.

I have to wear just the diaper and shirt around the house and in our yard and I really want to cover the diaper up but my mom spanks me if I try to put pants or shorts over the diaper or if I try to remove the diaper I get a spanking.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 25, 2023 by Danieldiap (6,910 points)

I'm not 8 years old but there was an 8 year old boy back around the year of 1996 or so named Tommy that was forced by his parents to wear diapers and was treated like a baby with bottles, pacifiers, highchairs etc.

Below is a few pictures of him and so you're not the only 8 year old that is going through diaper punishment.

Here's a few pictures of a boy of about 8 years old named Tommy that was made to wear diapers and a shirt around the house.

In those days the diapers were thick plastic backed diapers and more noticeable but today diapers are hardly noticeable.

8 year old diaper boy Tommy8 year old Tommy Diaper Boy wearing diapers

0 votes
answered Jul 25, 2023 by Capobianco (12,490 points)
If your 8 years old and you began suddenly wetting your pants and it's ongoing and you can't really control your pee then your mom should take you to the doctor to get tested for any possible health issues.

Wetting your pants occasionally is normal for an 8 year old who is caught up in things they are doing but constantly wetting your pants at 8 years old and actually not being able to hold it means you likely have a health issue that needs checked.

It could be that you have a bladder infection, weak bladder, UTI etc.

Tell your mom that she should take you to the doctor to get checked out.

I would ask my kid to wear a diaper if they were really wetting their pants as it's better to have a wet diaper than wet pants and you're not a baby just because you wear diapers.

But I would also take my kid to the doctor to get checked out.

The diapers at school is also a good thing but you should be able to discretely change it or wear a less babyish diaper or pull up instead.

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