What does a blue jay bird eat?

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asked Jul 20, 2023 in Birds by j91632 (910 points)
What does a blue jay bird eat?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 1, 2023 by Saramouche (5,520 points)
A blue jay bird eats foods such as mice, insects and acorns, beechnuts, and other nuts, many kinds of seeds, grain, berries, small fruits, sometimes cultivated fruits.

Some things you can feed a jay or blue jay include.

Peanuts and other nuts.

Elderberries, Cherries, Wild Grapes.

Mealworms, fresh or dried.
Suet cakes, shreds, nuggets, or suet butter.
Sunflower seeds of any type.
Cracked corn or whole corn kernels.

Jays also known as blue jays do eat mice.

A Blue Jays natural winter diet consist mostly of vegetable matter, acorns, beechnuts, seeds and berries.

Summer food for Blue Jays consist of larger insects, grasshoppers, caterpillars, mice, bird eggs, and baby birds.

Jays also known as blue jays are shy and timid birds but once they get used to you they become less timid and shy around you.

Jays are some of the easier birds to attract to backyards, but they can be shy when they first begin visiting.

A blue jay bird is in the crow family which is also in the Corvidae family more often known as the crow family or corvids.

When you see a blue jay and a cardinal together it means good luck and prosperity as well as optimistic.

While sighting cardinal and blue jay together is generally positive, it can also bring a warning sign.

A cardinal and blue jay cannot mate as they are different species of birds and so if they did try to mate they would not crossbreed.

Cardinals and Blue Jays don't get along with each other although sometimes they are seen together.

Despite them being enemies at the bird feeder, and occasional predators, Northern Cardinals can benefit from feeding in areas where Blue Jays are present, because of the Blue Jay's load alarm call and ability to chase away predators.

Northern Cardinals will attack Blue Jays close to their nests.

Blue jays don't get along with cardinals because of their significant levels of intelligence.

They can manipulate and control circumstances for their potential benefit, especially when working in a group.

So, they presume other birds are at a lower level—intelligence wise.

Blue Jays do hate owls as owls eat Blue Jays so blue jays disapprove of owls for good reason.

Owls prey on birds at night, and blue jays recognize them as enemies.

Any time that jays discover an owl in daylight, they harass it.

The best way to befriend and attract a Blue Jay or Blue Jays to your yard is to offer them favorite foods.

Provide the Blue Jays with favorite foods like (sunflower, corn, peanuts) on large and open feeders, provide a consistent water source, and have nearby native tree's.

The difference between a bluebird and a blue jay is blue jays have longer feet and tails than thrush birds.

Also all blue jays will be slightly taller in height and heavier in weight than bluebirds.

Blue jay beaks are clearly thicker than bluebird beaks.

Raccoons do eat blue jays.

Adult blue jays are often preyed on by various species of hawks, owls, and falcons.

Nestling jays are preyed upon by squirrels, cats, snakes, American crows, other jays, raccoons, opossums, and birds of prey, such as hawks.

Seeing 2 blue jays means a symbol of faithfulness.

Blue jays have multiple meanings for those who believe in bird omens and augury.

Because blue jays' behavior indicates that they value companionship and community, they are often said to represent neighborly, community support (via Your Tango).

Seeing a blue jay or blue jays is good luck according to many Christian Beliefs.

For anyone who believes in bird omens and augury, blue jays have a variety of meanings.

Blue jays are commonly used as a symbol of neighborly, communal solidarity since their behavior shows that they cherish companionship and community.

Also, blue jays are a symbol of wisdom and innovation.

Blue Jays do build nests and they build the nests in the crotch or thick outer branches of a deciduous or coniferous tree, usually 10-25 feet above the ground.

The nestling stage of blue jays lasts for about 17-21 days.

For the first 8-12 days, the mother stays with her newborn to keep them warm they are born without feathers or fuzz.

After more or less 3 weeks, the female blue jay starts to leave the nest.

Blue Jays are aggressive birds when they need to be to protect themselves, their babies and their territory.

Blue Jays are not mean birds and are really good around humans unless they see you as a threat or the blue jay sees another bird as a threat then they can become aggressive.

A blue jay is similar to a woodpecker although they are not the same bird.

Blue Jays don't peck wood naturally like woodpeckers.

However, they can still pick up this behavior for some reasons, such as excavating the external layers of wood, chipping paint over wood for calcium, or even communicating with other birds.

When blue jays migrate during the winter they typically go to New Mexico and eastern Wyoming and some Blue Jays may migrate to Florida although some Blue Jays typically stay in the same location during winter.

Some blue jays are present throughout winter in all parts of their range.

Young blue jays may be more likely to migrate than adults, but many adults also migrate.

Some individual blue jays migrate south one year, stay north the next winter, and then migrate south again the next year.

Blue Jays squawk so much as a way to communicate with other blue jays and other birds.

Blue Jays bob up and down as a way to get attention from other birds and other blue jays.

Besides ringing like bells, blue jays screech, whistle, whisper, croak, rattle, and sing queedle-queedle-queedle.

They pose, peck, quiver, raise and lower their crests, and flash meaningful looks at each other.

When building a Blue Jay Bird House the hole for the Blue Jay Bird House should be at least 1 1/2 inches in diameter.

Also drill a hole below the entrance hole that is 1/4 inch in size.

Floor space of approximately 8×8 inches, Ceiling eight inches from the base, An angled ceiling that is open on three sides is ideal.

A Blue Jay Bird House should face away from prevailing winds and depending on your location the Blue Jay House should face either south or southeast.

The reason blue jays are screaming is a way to stay in touch and communicate with other blue jays.

The call helps mates keep track of each other, and also serves to assemble the troops, so to speak, in response to a threat.

Blue Jays do like bird houses but mostly blue jays prefer open platforms instead of enclosed spaces for a bird house.

Provide a floor area of about 8 x 8 inches with a ceiling also around 8 inches high.

A sloping roof with open sides and front is perfect.

Birds that generally nest on trees are more likely to nest on houses as well, just like the Blue Jays.

Try installing your bird house on the side of your garage or set it to a tree.

Blue Jays are very smart and really intelligent birds.

Blue jays are a member of the Corvidae family, which includes crows, ravens and magpies.

The family is regarded as the most intelligent of the bird species.

Blue Jay birds have a high brain-to-body mass ratio, similar to the great apes.

Crows and ravens, in particular, enjoy showing off their intelligence.

Blue Jays are not inherently mean.

Like most birds and animals, their aggression has to do with protecting their territory and their young.

The mean streak associated with them may be due to their preferred defense mechanism; forming a mob.

The blue jay is a passerine bird in the family Corvidae, native to eastern North America.

It lives in most of the eastern and central United States; some eastern populations may be migratory.

Resident populations are also in Newfoundland, Canada; breeding populations are found across southern Canada.

Recently, the range of the blue jay has extended northwestwards so that it is now a rare but regularly seen winter visitor along the northern US and southern Canadian Pacific Coast.

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