Should you bank baby's cord blood?

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asked Jul 20, 2023 in Baby/Newborn by RasGb830 (500 points)
Should you bank baby's cord blood?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 16, 2023 by Wendell (43,370 points)
You should bank your baby's cord blood if you can afford to do so as it can be used to treat cancer, blood diseases like anemia, and some immune system disorders.

If your family has a history of anemia, blood disorders or cancers and immune system disorders then it's good to bank your baby's cord blood.

You can bank the cord blood for storage for future use in case you need it or you can donate the cord blood for research or to help others.

There's no cost for you to donate your cord blood, however if you need the cord blood yourself or someone else in your family needs the cord blood you donated then you won't be able to use it.

Cord blood can be used for parents.

The cord blood from a newborn can be used by any other family members which include grandparents, parents, siblings or other relatives.

Cord blood banking is as much for the baby as it is for existing and future additions to the family.

This is because there is not only an opportunity for the baby to use his or her own cord blood but also an increased chance it can be used by a brother, sister or other immediate family member.

A stem cell transplant using an individual's own cord blood (called an autologous transplant) cannot be used for genetic disorders such as sickle cell disease and thalassemia, because the genetic mutations that cause these disorders are present in the baby's cord blood.

The benefits of cord blood banking include.

Stem cells from cord blood can be given to more people than those from bone marrow.
It is easier to collect cord blood than it is to collect bone marrow.
Cord blood can be frozen and stored.
Stem cells in cord blood can be used to strengthen the immune system during cancer treatments.

You can donate your babies cord blood and it's free of charge to donate the baby cord blood.

If you do not want to keep the cord blood yourself and want to donate the baby cord blood you can do so.

Just let your doctor or the hospital know that you want to donate the babies cord blood and they can get the cord blood sent off for cord blood banking and storage.

The cord blood banking is safe for both the mother and the baby because the cord blood comes from the umbilical cord and not the baby or mother itself.

Cord blood banking is also a good idea for the baby if there is a history of cancer in your family.

The cord blood banking and storage is not all that expensive if you want to store the cord blood yourself.

However if you prefer to donate the babies cord blood then that is okay as well and free of charge.

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