Can I take my placenta home from the hospital?

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asked Jul 20, 2023 in Pregnancy by RasGb830 (500 points)
Can I take my placenta home from the hospital?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 14, 2023 by Danielcastillo (3,100 points)
You can take your placenta home from the hospital and all you have to do is let the doctor know that you want to keep your placenta.

When taking your placenta home from the hospital you should place the placenta in a sealed container and label it and take it home as soon as possible and keep it cool or refrigerated before taking it home.

You should eat your placenta if you really want too as it can provide some health benefits such as reducing postpartum bleeding, improving mood, energy and milk supply and provide you with important micronutrients like iron.

However if you prefer not to eat your placenta then you don't have too.

You cannot and should not eat someone else's placenta as it can carry risk of disease or infection as other woman's placentas are not sterile enough for other humans to eat.

You can eat your placenta raw although if you eat the placenta raw it may spread infection.

You can also eat the placenta cooked or dehydrated.

The placenta can be eaten and many religions do eat the placenta.

A placenta is the temporary organ that forms in the uterus during pregnancy.

A woman's placenta attaches to the uterine wall and provides nutrients and oxygen to your baby through the umbilical cord.

Certain conditions of the placenta can cause pregnancy complications

There's really no one religion that only eats the placenta.

Many religions eat the Placenta after birth if they believe in it.

The religion beliefs behind the practices of eating the placenta, whether in part or in whole, commonly reflect acknowledgment for the vast work of this organ for the baby in utero, serving as its 'protector' and providing critical vital functions for the baby before birth.

The human placenta can be seen as the Tree of Life, as a genetic 'twin' to the fetus, an angel, and reasons for ingesting the placenta may reflect spiritual beliefs as much as the pragmatic ones listed above.

The traditional practices to revere and honor the placenta that do not include consumption may include placenta burial, such as in Saudi Arabia.

Such traditions reflect human birthing practices wherein umbilical cords may not have been severed while the cord is still pulsing, avoiding blood loss and infection, and may include practices that retain the placental connection until after it has been delivered and the baby is already nursing.

The Chinese traditional medicine has for centuries used human placenta to treat kidney and liver ailments or low energy, though not in postpartum mothers.

Eating the placenta after birth can cause health issues for both the parent and the baby so it's not really good to eat the placenta.

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