What happens after the shortest day?

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asked Jul 18, 2023 in Polls/Surveys by ColeKisor (720 points)
What happens after the shortest day?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 19, 2023 by 23rounds (16,450 points)
After the shortest day the days begin getting longer and the nights begin getting shorter which means more daylight.

And at the spring and autumnal equinoxes the day and night hours are about the same length which each day lasting around 12 hours and the number of the daylight hours peaks at the summer solstice.

Days then get shorter after June 21st.

After June 21st or the summer solstice the days will begin tog et shorter throughout the summer months and into the fall months.

Once June 21st comes and goes then it begins to get dark earlier and early a minute or so each day.

And by June 26, we can expect the days to gradually get shorter by one minute every two to three days.

From the beginning of July and throughout August, we will lose one to two minutes every day.

Every September, the Northern hemisphere officially enters autumn, and from that point on, each day has one less minute of daylight, culminating in the winter solstice.

September and October lose about two to three minutes of daylight each day throughout the entirety of both months.

Late June is when day length is maximized.

December is when we see the least amount of daylight per day.

The Northern Hemisphere starts losing daylight since mid-June.

The pace is insignificant at first but most Americans are losing 1-3 minutes per day heading into September.

These declines will maximize in the middle of the month.

After the Autumnal Equinox, September 22, the pace of daylight loss will slow down.

The days get longer by an average of 2 minutes and 7 seconds every day after 21 December.

It won't be until around 18 January that an extra hour of daylight will come, and every 28 days (four weeks) thereafter, an hour or so of sunshine should lighten the days.

Between Christmas and New Year's Day, the amount of daylight will increase by four minutes total.

After New Year's, the amount of daylight starts to jump more exponentially, going up roughly two minutes a day by the middle of January.

By Feb. 20, the average daylight gain is three minutes a day.

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