What is dabigatran used for?

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asked Jul 18, 2023 in Other- Health by ColeKisor (720 points)
What is dabigatran used for?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 19, 2023 by what2makeofthat (13,430 points)
Dabigatran is a medication that is used for treatment of deep vein thrombosis which is a blood cloth that is usually in the leg and pulmonary embolism which is a blood cloth in the lung.

Dabigatran is not any better than warfarin as they are comparable to each other in stroke prevention.

However dabigatran is associated with lower risks of intracranial bleeding and an increased risk of gastrointestinal bleeding.

Warfarin is an oral anticoagulant commonly used to treat and prevent blood clots.

Warfarin has multiple FDA-approved and off-label clinical uses.

FDA-approved clinical uses for warfarin: Prophylaxis and treatment of venous thrombosis and arising pulmonary embolisms.

The aim of warfarin therapy is to decrease the blood's tendency to clot, but not stop it clotting completely.

This means the dose of warfarin you're taking must be carefully monitored and, if necessary, adjusted.

The major side effects of taking Warfarin include.

    Severe bleeding, including heavier than normal menstrual bleeding.
    Red or brown urine.
    Black or bloody stool.
    Severe headache or stomach pain.
    Joint pain, discomfort or swelling, especially after an injury.
    Vomiting of blood or material that looks like coffee grounds.
    Coughing up blood.

Foods that should be avoided when taking Warfarin include Kale, Spinach, Brussels sprouts, Parsley, Collard greens, Mustard greens, Endive and Red cabbage.

You can eat bananas while taking Warfarin.

However avoid green bananas but ripe bananas are okay to eat while on Warfarin and poses not health risks.

You should avoid grapefruit and other citrus fruits while taking Warfarin and avoid or limit the intake of the following foods when taking Warfarin.

    Brussels sprouts.
    Collard greens.
    Mustard greens.
    Red cabbage.

Warfarin prevents blood from clotting so it may take longer than usual for you to stop bleeding if you are cut or injured.

Warfarin is used to treat people who have had a previous blood clot, such as: a blood clot in the leg (deep vein thrombosis, or DVT) a blood clot in the lungs (pulmonary embolism)     

Some side effects of taking Warfarin include.

    Severe bleeding, including heavier than normal menstrual bleeding.
    Red or brown urine.
    Black or bloody stool.
    Severe headache or stomach pain.
    Joint pain, discomfort or swelling, especially after an injury.
    Vomiting of blood or material that looks like coffee grounds.
    Coughing up blood.

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