Slime that is made from borax and polyvinyl and other non food ingredients is toxic if ingested.
However slime made from food ingredients is not toxic if ingested.
Slime is safe for kids ages 4 years of age and up.
Slime is not safe for kids under 4 years of age.
However slime that uses food only ingredients is safe for kids of any age including kids under 4 years of age.
But for slime that uses non food ingredients such as polyvinyl and borax kids should not play with or create the non food ingredient type of slime until they are at least 4 years of age or older.
Young children or others who may put the slime in their mouth should play only with edible slime made with food.
Non-borax recipes that use starch are safer overall than the ones that use borax.
Pregnant women should avoid borax-slime recipes.
All you need to make safe slime at home without borax is glue, baking soda, contact solution, and a little glitter.
Slime is a fun and safe activity for kids.
Slime is a sensory toy, and because of this, it can help with fine motor skills.
Engaging in this activity requires the use of the child's hands and eyes, it is easily malleable, and it is a fun and innovative way to get children to practice strength, fine motor control, and dexterity.
Sensory play, like slime-making, promotes motor and cognitive development.
While kids can learn about science and mathematics when making slime, it is also a simple, fun and pressure-free activity.
As children add and mix ingredients, they're focused on that action only.
Slime is a unique sensory play substance typically consisting of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), a solution like white glue, and borate ions, commonly found in borax.
When the adhesive reacts with the borate ions, it creates a thick, sticky “non-Newtonian fluid,” which means that it is neither a liquid nor a solid.