What is the fastest road you can drive on?

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asked Jul 18, 2023 in General Travel by Vasylevis (1,490 points)
What is the fastest road you can drive on?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 22, 2023 by Alexxa12901 (11,490 points)
The fastest road you can drive on is the Autobahn in Germany that has no speed limit and spans over 13,000Km.

The speed you should drive at all times is the speed limit or 5 miles under the speed limit but not over the speed limit.

When pulling a trailer it's best to drive at speeds of 55 MPH to 60 MPH unless the speed limit is less.

The speed that is best to drive is the speed limit or 5 miles under the speed limit.

Driving too fast can be dangerous and driving too slow can also be dangerous.

If the speed limit is 55 mph to 65 mph then it's best to drive those speeds and keep up with traffic.

To drive fast on back roads you do it the same way you would drive fast on other roads.

However you would need to watch more closely for any vehicles that may be coming out of driveways, yards etc.

And also watch out for any possible curves or vehicles coming around the corners.

When on back roads you should drive a bit slower than you normally would on other roads and especially if it's on a dirt road.

Dirt roads can get sandy and cause you to lose control of the vehicle so keep both hands on the steering wheel.

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