The switchbacks make around $42,763.00 per year to as much as $114,907.00 per year depending on position.
An account executive with the switchbacks makes an average salary of $114,907.00 per year.
A group sales coordinator with the switchbacks makes an average salary of $45,157.00 per year.
A soccer coach with the switchbacks makes an average salary of $21.00 per hour.
An assistant director of operations with the switchbacks makes an average of $35.00 an hour.
The average annual salary of Switchbacks FC is estimated to be approximate $88,719.00 per year.
The majority pay for switchbacks is between $77,927.00 to $100,588.00 per year.
The Switchbacks also have six other Rapids players on loan, which each of them making between $63,000.00 and $94,000.00 a year.